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BIKE24 Surtido de Degustación BIO Barrita Energética

BIKE24 Surtido de Degustación BIO Barrita Energética

Cada vez son más las personas que dan importancia a una dieta sana y saludable con alimentos de alta calidad elaborados con ingredientes naturales y no tratados procedentes de cultivos ecológicos controlados. Este cambio de mentalidad no se limita a los productos alimenticios, a menudo muy procesados, en el ámbito de la nutrición deportiva. Cada vez son más los fabricantes que producen barritas energéticas y proteínicas, así como geles y suplementos nutricionales de calidad ecológica, y a menudo valoran la naturalidad especial, como la producción de alimentos crudos, que no requieren un fuerte calentamiento de más de 42° C para garantizar la conservación de muchos nutrientes y sustancias vitales.
El BIKE24 Surtido de Degustación BIO Barrita Energética ofrece la oportunidad de probar los productos ecológicos de nuestros fabricantes en comparación directa y ahorrar algo de dinero al mismo tiempo.

El BIKE24 Surtido de Degustación BIO con 6 barritas energéticas:

  • 1x Powerbar TRUE Organic Oat Bar BIO - Barrita Carbohidratos (40 g - diferentes sabores)
  • 1x Chimpanzee BIO Protein Bar - Barrita Proteína BIO (45 g - diferentes sabores)
  • 1x Peak Punk BIO Oat Flapjack - Barrita de Carbohidratos (60 g - diferentes sabores)
  • 1x Powerbar TRUE Organic Protein Bar BIO - Barrita Proteína (45 g - diferentes sabores)
  • 1x Clif BIO Nut Butter Bar - Barrita de Nueces de Carbohidratos BIO   (50 g - diferentes sabores)
  • 1x Sanct Bernhard Sport BIO-Aktiv - Barrita de Carbohidratos - Arándano (40 g)

Detalles de los alimentos deportivos ecológicos incluidos:

Powerbar TRUE Organic Oat Bar

¿Quiere llenar sus almacenes, saber exactamente lo que está comiendo y no comprometer el sabor? Entonces tenemos algo para usted: La Barrita de Avena Orgánica TRUE - con un máximo de 6 ingredientes de origen vegetal como la avena, los dátiles y las nueces - todo de la mejor calidad orgánica. Es neutral desde el punto de vista climático y, dependiendo de la variedad, está hecho con cacao de comercio justo, y llega a usted en una innovadora película sin plástico y compostable en el jardín. Bueno para ti y bueno para el planeta.

Uso: 1-2 barritas/día.

Chimpanzee Protein Bar

Las Chimpanzee Protein Bars son adecuadas para veganos y vegetarianos que necesitan un mayor aporte de proteínas de alta calidad en su dieta. También es adecuada para deportistas que quieren sacar el máximo partido a su entrenamiento. Favorece el metabolismo, esencial para la regeneración y el crecimiento de la masa muscular, y contiene hidratos de carbono como fuente permanente de energía. Las barritas de proteínas se elaboran a partir de unos pocos ingredientes ecológicos seleccionados a mano sin tratamiento térmico y contienen un 20% de proteínas veganas procedentes del arroz integral y los frutos secos.

Uso: Adecuadas después del entrenamiento o como tentempié rápido y saludable. Las barritas Chimpancé son adecuadas para personas activas y también recomendadas para niños. 

Peak Punk Oat Flapjack Bar

Peak Punk brilla con materias primas orgánicas veganas puras y garantiza un suministro de energía duradero: cada barra es fuerte en su área. Igual de importante es que Peak Punk está radicalmente libre de azúcares refinados, edulcorantes artificiales, conservantes u otros ingredientes que no se pueden usar. Y claro: la cafeína estimulante de la yerba mate aumenta su rendimiento al mismo tiempo.

Powerbar TRUE Organic Protein Bar

¿Quiere suministrar proteínas a su cuerpo, saber exactamente lo que está comiendo y no comprometer el sabor? Entonces tenemos algo para usted: La barrita TRUE Organic Protein Bar - con un máximo de 8 ingredientes de origen vegetal como dátiles, frutos secos o trigo - en la mejor calidad orgánica. Es neutral desde el punto de vista climático y, en función del sabor, se elabora con cacao de comercio justo, y se entrega en una innovadora lámina sin plástico y compostable en el jardín. Bueno para ti y bueno para el planeta.

Uso: 1-2 barritas/día.

Clif Nut Butter Bar

Los amantes de los frutos secos sacarán partido a su dinero con esta barrita. Los atletas y amantes de la cocina de Clif han creado un nuevo tipo de barrita. Clif Bar Nut Butter Filled Energy Bar combina dos grandes potenciadores de la energía: deliciosas mantequillas de frutos secos en una sola barrita energética.Nutrición de alto rendimiento con gran sabor. Tanto si está recorriendo 150 km en bicicleta como explorando un nuevo sendero, esta barrita energética está hecha para mantener su aventura. Todos los ingredientes proceden exclusivamente de la naturaleza y de un sistema de cultivo respetuoso con el medio ambiente.

Uso: Para obtener los mejores resultados, tome CLIF Bar de una a tres horas antes de su entrenamiento con abundante agua. De este modo evitará la sensación de hambre y proporcionará a sus músculos la energía que necesitan. En recorridos más largos y menos intensos, por ejemplo senderismo o ciclismo, también puede tomar CLIF Bar durante sus sesiones para saciar el hambre y reponer sus reservas de hidratos de carbono. CLIF Bar es ideal como tentempié entre comidas o después de una jornada agotadora para rellenar el depósito de energía. 

Sanct Bernhard Sport BIO-Aktiv Bar

Ideal para los desplazamientos, por ejemplo, cuando se practica el senderismo, el ciclismo o el running. Su rápido efecto saciante evita las "punzadas de hambre", especialmente temidas por los deportistas de resistencia. Sabor agradablemente afrutado, ácido y refrescante. Todos los ingredientes proceden de cultivos ecológicos controlados. Equilibrado y muy bien tolerado. Sin azúcares añadidos ni aditivos artificiales. Sin lactosa y sin gluten.

Uso: 1 barrita dentro de los 60 minutos anteriores al ejercicio y/o durante el mismo, se recomienda hasta 90 g de carbohidratos por hora, dependiendo de la intensidad y la duración. 1 - 4 barritas al día.

Nota: Para más información sobre los distintos productos, consulte los artículos correspondientes en nuestra tienda.

Estos productos deben consumirse como parte de una dieta variada y equilibrada y un estilo de vida saludable. Almacenar en un lugar fresco y seco.

Volumen de suministro: 6 productos en total.

Especificaciones de BIKE24 Surtido de Degustación BIO Barrita Energética

Nombre del producto: BIKE24 Surtido de Degustación BIO Barrita Energética
Fabricante: Diverse
Código de artículo: NON240203
Producto Bio: Si
Actividad: Nutrición
SUPLEMENTO PRINCIPAL: Carbohidratos, Proteina, Vitaminas / Minerales
CARACTERÍSTICAS: Certificado ecológico (UE), Vegano, Vegetariano, Ofertas de degustación
Sabor: Dulce
Código organismo de control ecológico: CZ-BIO-002 | DE-ÖKO-005 | DE-ÖKO-006 | CZ-BIO-002 | DK-ØKO-100

Información sobre alimentos para "BIKE24 Surtido de Degustación BIO Barrita Energética"

Lista de ingredientes: Sanct Bernhard ORGANIC Chocolate-Plum-Bar - 40g
40% plums, chocolate 25% (crystal cane sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter), raisins, apricots, almonds, oatmeal
Allergens: May contain traces of lactose . Contains wheat and nuts .
All ingredients from certified organic agriculture.
DE-ÖKO-001 - EU / non-EU Agriculture

Aktiv3 ORGANIC Endurance Bar with Carbohydrates - Cranberry - 40g:
Cranberries (25 %) (cranberries, concentrated apple syrup, sunflower oil), apricots, rice flour, sour cherries, apples, dates, macadamia nuts, popped amaranth, linseed.
Important notice for allergy sufferers: May contain traces of milk and other nuts.
All ingredients from certified organic cultivation.

Squeezy ORGANIC Energy Bar - Carbohydrate Bar with Fruits - Pineapple Almond:
Raisins*, pineapple* 20%, almonds* 19%, honey* 18%, cashew nuts*, Apricot kernels*, sunflower oil*, potato starch*.
* From organic farming
Información Nutricional: Sanct Bernhard ORGANIC Chocolate-Plum-Bar - 40g
Nutrition fact average values per 100 g
Energy: 1200 kj / 282,5 kcal
fat: 4,0 g
- of which
- saturated fatty acids: 0,5 g
- monounsaturated fatty acids: 2,5 g
- polyunsaturated fatty acids: 1,0 g
carbohydrates: 57,0 g
- of which sugar: 39,5 g
dietary fiber: 10,3 g
protein: 4,8 g
salt: 0,025 g

Aktiv3 ORGANIC Endurance Bar with Carbohydrates - Cranberry - 40g:
Nutritional information per 100 g per bar (40g)
calories 1403 kJ (335,2 kcal) 561 kJ (134,1 kcal)
fat 9,0 g
of which saturated fat 1,5 g 0,6 g
of which monounsaturated fat 6,0 g 2,4 g
of which polyunsaturated fat 1,5 g 0,6 g
carbohydrates 58,9 g 23,6 g
of which sugars 22,0 g 8,8 g
protein 4,8 g 1,9 g
salt 0,01 g 0,004 g
Nutritional information per 100 g per bar (40g)
fibre 6,2 g 2,5 g
carbohydrate exchange units 5 BE 2 BE

All components occur naturally in the raw ingredients.

Squeezy ORGANIC Energy Bar - Carbohydrate Bar with Fruits - Pineapple Almond:
Nutritional information per bar | per 100 g

Energy: 657 kJ (157 kcal) | 1.643 kJ (392 kcal)
Fat: 6,6 g | 17 g
- of which saturated: 0,80 g | 2,0 g
Carbohydrates: 20 g | 49 g
- of which sugars: 18 g | 45 g
Protein: 3,2 g | 7,9 g
Dietry fiber: - | -
Salt <0,10 g | <0,10 g


Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Chocolate & Peanut Butter (Chocolate y mantequilla de cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes:

peanutbutter* (20.1%), oatflakes*, oatflour*, brown rice syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, date paste*, pea protein*, high fatty acid sunflower oil*, rice starch*, Tapioca syrup*, palm oil*, peanutflour* (3.3%), cane sugar*, rice flour*, humectants: glycerine, unsweetened chocolate* (1.1%), cocoa* (1.0%), natural flavours, sea salt, Emulsifier: lecithin, antioxidant: highly tocopherol-containing extracts.


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1884 (450) 944 (226)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,9 g 2,4 g
Carbohydrate 46,0 g 23,0 g
of which sugars 18,0 g 9,2 g
Fibre 6,2 g 3,1 g
Protein 14,0 g 7,1 g
Salt 0,76 g 0,38 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Chocolate & Peanut Butter (Chocolate y mantequilla de cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes: peanutbutter* (20.1%), oatflakes*, oatflour*, brown rice syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, date paste*, pea protein*, high fatty acid sunflower oil*, rice starch*, Tapioca syrup*, palm oil*, peanutflour* (3.3%), cane sugar*, rice flour*, humectants: glycerine, unsweetened chocolate* (1.1%), cocoa* (1.0%), natural flavours, sea salt, Emulsifier: lecithin, antioxidant: highly tocopherol-containing extracts.


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1884 (450) 944 (226)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,9 g 2,4 g
Carbohydrate 46,0 g 23,0 g
of which sugars 18,0 g 9,2 g
6,2 g
3,1 g
14,0 g
7,1 g
0,76 g
0,38 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Chocolate & Peanut Butter (Chocolate y mantequilla de cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes:

peanutbutter* (20.1%), oatflakes*, oatflour*, brown rice syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, date paste*, pea protein*, high fatty acid sunflower oil*, rice starch*, Tapioca syrup*, palm oil*, peanutflour* (3.3%), cane sugar*, rice flour*, humectants: glycerine, unsweetened chocolate* (1.1%), cocoa* (1.0%), natural flavours, sea salt, Emulsifier: lecithin, antioxidant: highly tocopherol-containing extracts.


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1884 (450) 944 (226)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,9 g 2,4 g
Carbohydrate 46,0 g 23,0 g
of which sugars 18,0 g 9,2 g
Fibre 6,2 g 3,1 g
Protein 14,0 g 7,1 g
Salt 0,76 g 0,38 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Chocolate & Peanut Butter (Chocolate y mantequilla de cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes: peanutbutter* (20.1%), oatflakes*, oatflour*, brown rice syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, date paste*, pea protein*, high fatty acid sunflower oil*, rice starch*, Tapioca syrup*, palm oil*, peanutflour* (3.3%), cane sugar*, rice flour*, humectants: glycerine, unsweetened chocolate* (1.1%), cocoa* (1.0%), natural flavours, sea salt, Emulsifier: lecithin, antioxidant: highly tocopherol-containing extracts.


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1884 (450) 944 (226)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,9 g 2,4 g
Carbohydrate 46,0 g 23,0 g
of which sugars 18,0 g 9,2 g
6,2 g
3,1 g
14,0 g
7,1 g
0,76 g
0,38 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Chocolate & Peanut Butter (Chocolate y mantequilla de cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes: peanutbutter* (20.1%), oatflakes*, oatflour*, brown rice syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, date paste*, pea protein*, high fatty acid sunflower oil*, rice starch*, Tapioca syrup*, palm oil*, peanutflour* (3.3%), cane sugar*, rice flour*, humectants: glycerine, unsweetened chocolate* (1.1%), cocoa* (1.0%), natural flavours, sea salt, Emulsifier: lecithin, antioxidant: highly tocopherol-containing extracts.


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1884 (450) 944 (226)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,9 g 2,4 g
Carbohydrate 46,0 g 23,0 g
of which sugars 18,0 g 9,2 g
6,2 g
3,1 g
14,0 g
7,1 g
0,76 g
0,38 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Chocolate & Peanut Butter (Chocolate y mantequilla de cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes: peanutbutter* (20.1%), oatflakes*, oatflour*, brown rice syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, date paste*, pea protein*, high fatty acid sunflower oil*, rice starch*, Tapioca syrup*, palm oil*, peanutflour* (3.3%), cane sugar*, rice flour*, humectants: glycerine, unsweetened chocolate* (1.1%), cocoa* (1.0%), natural flavours, sea salt, Emulsifier: lecithin, antioxidant: highly tocopherol-containing extracts.


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1884 (450) 944 (226)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,9 g 2,4 g
Carbohydrate 46,0 g 23,0 g
of which sugars 18,0 g 9,2 g
6,2 g
3,1 g
14,0 g
7,1 g
0,76 g
0,38 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Chocolate & Peanut Butter (Chocolate y mantequilla de cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes: peanutbutter* (20.1%), oatflakes*, oatflour*, brown rice syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, date paste*, pea protein*, high fatty acid sunflower oil*, rice starch*, Tapioca syrup*, palm oil*, peanutflour* (3.3%), cane sugar*, rice flour*, humectants: glycerine, unsweetened chocolate* (1.1%), cocoa* (1.0%), natural flavours, sea salt, Emulsifier: lecithin, antioxidant: highly tocopherol-containing extracts.


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1884 (450) 944 (226)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,9 g 2,4 g
Carbohydrate 46,0 g 23,0 g
of which sugars 18,0 g 9,2 g
6,2 g
3,1 g
14,0 g
7,1 g
0,76 g
0,38 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Chocolate & Peanut Butter (Chocolate y mantequilla de cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes:

peanutbutter* (20.1%), oatflakes*, oatflour*, brown rice syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, date paste*, pea protein*, high fatty acid sunflower oil*, rice starch*, Tapioca syrup*, palm oil*, peanutflour* (3.3%), cane sugar*, rice flour*, humectants: glycerine, unsweetened chocolate* (1.1%), cocoa* (1.0%), natural flavours, sea salt, Emulsifier: lecithin, antioxidant: highly tocopherol-containing extracts.


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1884 (450) 944 (226)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,9 g 2,4 g
Carbohydrate 46,0 g 23,0 g
of which sugars 18,0 g 9,2 g
Fibre 6,2 g 3,1 g
Protein 14,0 g 7,1 g
Salt 0,76 g 0,38 g

Peak Punk Oat Flapjack Bar - Sabor - Blueberry Muffin (Muffin de arándanos)

Lista de ingredientes:

Gluten-free oat flakes* (35%), agave syrup*, vegetable fat* (vegetable oil* (sunflower), shea butter*, drinking water, green tea extract), blanched almond pieces*, dark chocolate pieces* (8%) (cocoa mass*, sugar*, cocoa butter*, vanilla powder, cocoa solids 54%), blueberry powder* (6.2%), sunflower lecithin*, salt.

*from controlled organic cultivation.

May contain traces of nutshells and fruit kernels as well as eggs, soy, peanuts, milk, sesame, mustard and celery.

Información Nutricional:

Nutritional facts per 100 g
Physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1,986
- in kilocalories: 476
Fat: 28 g
- of which saturated fatty acids: 7 g
Carbohydrates: 46 g
- of which sugar: 27 g
Dietary fibre: 5.9 g
Protein: 8.1 g
Salt: 0.08 g

Sabor - Mantequilla de Cacahuete

Lista de ingredientes:

Dates*, peanuts* 41 %, rice protein* 7 %. (*certified organic product).

May contain traces of other nuts and seeds.

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition table per 100 g per bar (45 g)
Energetic value 1,861 kJ (474 kcal) 837 kJ (201 kcal)
Fat 21 g 9.4 g
- of which saturates 3 g 1.4 g
Carbohydrates 45 g 20 g
- of which sugars 38 g 17 g
Fibre 5.6 g 2.5 g
Protein 17 g 7.7 g
Salt 0.1 g 0.04 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Peanut Butter (Mantequilla de cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes:

peanutbutter* (18,7 %), oatflour*, oatflakes*, brown rice syrup*, date paste*, cane sugar syrup*, pea protein*, tapioca syrup*, rice starch*, sunflower oil with high fatty acid content*, palm oil*, peanutbutter (3.3 %), cane sugar*, rice flour*, natural flavours, peanuts* (1.3 %), humectant: glycerine, sea salt, emulsifier: lecithin, Antioxidants: high tocopherol extracts


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1877 (449) 957(229)
Fat 21g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,6 g 2,3 g
Carbohydrate 48,0 g 24,0 g
of which sugars 19,0 g 9,5 g
Fibre 5,8 g 2,9 g
Protein 14,0 g 7 g
Salt 0,78 g 0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Peanut Butter (Mantequilla de cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes: peanutbutter* (18,7 %), oatflour*, oatflakes*, brown rice syrup*, date paste*, cane sugar syrup*, pea protein*, tapioca syrup*, rice starch*, sunflower oil with high fatty acid content*, palm oil*, peanutbutter (3.3 %), cane sugar*, rice flour*, natural flavours, peanuts* (1.3 %), humectant: glycerine, sea salt, emulsifier: lecithin, Antioxidants: high tocopherol extracts


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1877 (449) 957(229)
Fat 21g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,6 g 2,3 g
Carbohydrate 48,0 g 24,0 g
of which sugars 19,0 g 9,5 g
5,8 g
2,9 g
14,0 g
7 g
0,78 g
0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Peanut Butter (Mantequilla de cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes:

peanutbutter* (18,7 %), oatflour*, oatflakes*, brown rice syrup*, date paste*, cane sugar syrup*, pea protein*, tapioca syrup*, rice starch*, sunflower oil with high fatty acid content*, palm oil*, peanutbutter (3.3 %), cane sugar*, rice flour*, natural flavours, peanuts* (1.3 %), humectant: glycerine, sea salt, emulsifier: lecithin, Antioxidants: high tocopherol extracts


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1877 (449) 957(229)
Fat 21g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,6 g 2,3 g
Carbohydrate 48,0 g 24,0 g
of which sugars 19,0 g 9,5 g
Fibre 5,8 g 2,9 g
Protein 14,0 g 7 g
Salt 0,78 g 0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Peanut Butter (Mantequilla de cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes: peanutbutter* (18,7 %), oatflour*, oatflakes*, brown rice syrup*, date paste*, cane sugar syrup*, pea protein*, tapioca syrup*, rice starch*, sunflower oil with high fatty acid content*, palm oil*, peanutbutter (3.3 %), cane sugar*, rice flour*, natural flavours, peanuts* (1.3 %), humectant: glycerine, sea salt, emulsifier: lecithin, Antioxidants: high tocopherol extracts


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1877 (449) 957(229)
Fat 21g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,6 g 2,3 g
Carbohydrate 48,0 g 24,0 g
of which sugars 19,0 g 9,5 g
5,8 g
2,9 g
14,0 g
7 g
0,78 g
0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Peanut Butter (Mantequilla de cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes: peanutbutter* (18,7 %), oatflour*, oatflakes*, brown rice syrup*, date paste*, cane sugar syrup*, pea protein*, tapioca syrup*, rice starch*, sunflower oil with high fatty acid content*, palm oil*, peanutbutter (3.3 %), cane sugar*, rice flour*, natural flavours, peanuts* (1.3 %), humectant: glycerine, sea salt, emulsifier: lecithin, Antioxidants: high tocopherol extracts


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1877 (449) 957(229)
Fat 21g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,6 g 2,3 g
Carbohydrate 48,0 g 24,0 g
of which sugars 19,0 g 9,5 g
5,8 g
2,9 g
14,0 g
7 g
0,78 g
0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Peanut Butter (Mantequilla de cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes: peanutbutter* (18,7 %), oatflour*, oatflakes*, brown rice syrup*, date paste*, cane sugar syrup*, pea protein*, tapioca syrup*, rice starch*, sunflower oil with high fatty acid content*, palm oil*, peanutbutter (3.3 %), cane sugar*, rice flour*, natural flavours, peanuts* (1.3 %), humectant: glycerine, sea salt, emulsifier: lecithin, Antioxidants: high tocopherol extracts


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1877 (449) 957(229)
Fat 21g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,6 g 2,3 g
Carbohydrate 48,0 g 24,0 g
of which sugars 19,0 g 9,5 g
5,8 g
2,9 g
14,0 g
7 g
0,78 g
0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Peanut Butter (Mantequilla de cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes: peanutbutter* (18,7 %), oatflour*, oatflakes*, brown rice syrup*, date paste*, cane sugar syrup*, pea protein*, tapioca syrup*, rice starch*, sunflower oil with high fatty acid content*, palm oil*, peanutbutter (3.3 %), cane sugar*, rice flour*, natural flavours, peanuts* (1.3 %), humectant: glycerine, sea salt, emulsifier: lecithin, Antioxidants: high tocopherol extracts


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1877 (449) 957(229)
Fat 21g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,6 g 2,3 g
Carbohydrate 48,0 g 24,0 g
of which sugars 19,0 g 9,5 g
5,8 g
2,9 g
14,0 g
7 g
0,78 g
0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Peanut Butter (Mantequilla de cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes:

peanutbutter* (18,7 %), oatflour*, oatflakes*, brown rice syrup*, date paste*, cane sugar syrup*, pea protein*, tapioca syrup*, rice starch*, sunflower oil with high fatty acid content*, palm oil*, peanutbutter (3.3 %), cane sugar*, rice flour*, natural flavours, peanuts* (1.3 %), humectant: glycerine, sea salt, emulsifier: lecithin, Antioxidants: high tocopherol extracts


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1877 (449) 957(229)
Fat 21g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,6 g 2,3 g
Carbohydrate 48,0 g 24,0 g
of which sugars 19,0 g 9,5 g
Fibre 5,8 g 2,9 g
Protein 14,0 g 7 g
Salt 0,78 g 0,39 g

Peak Punk Oat Flapjack Bar - Sabor - Brownie Cashew (Brownie y anacardo)

Lista de ingredientes:

Gluten-free oat flakes* (35%), agave syrup*, vegetable fat* (sunflower oil*, shea butter *, water, natural flavor), cashew nuts* (9%), dark chocolate pieces* (9%) (cocoa mass*, sugar*, cocoa butter*, vanilla powder*), (cocoa contains at least 53%), fat reduced cocoa powder*, mate powder* (0.6%), sunflower lecithin*, salt.

*from controlled organic cultivation.

May contain traces of nutshells and fruit kernels as well as eggs, soy, peanuts, milk, sesame seeds, mustard and celery.

Información Nutricional:

Nutritional facts per bar (60 g)
Physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1162
- in kilocalories: 278
Fat: 16 g
- of which saturated fatty acids: 4,4 g
Carbohydrates: 27 g
- of which sugar: 15 g
Dietary fibre: 5,5 g
Protein: 5 g
Salt: 0,18 g

Powerbar TRUE Organic Oat Bar - Sabor - Plátano-Avellana

Lista de ingredientes:

Oat flakes* (31%), oat syrup*, date pulp*, banana flakes* (13%), hazelnuts* (9%), hazelnut pulp* (6%).
* from organic farming

May contain: peanuts, almonds, cashews, barley, wheat, milk, soy.

Información Nutricional:


Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (40 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1667 (397) 668 (159)
Fat 13 g 5.2 g
- of which saturates 1.3 g 0.5 g
Carbohydrates 59 g 24 g
- of which sugars 32 g 13 g
Protein 8.0 g 3.2 g
Salt 0.02 g 0 g
Manganese 2.3 mg 0.9 mg

Powerbar TRUE Organic Oat Bar - Sabor - Plátano-Avellana

Lista de ingredientes:

Oat flakes* (31%), oat syrup*, date pulp*, banana flakes* (13%), hazelnuts* (9%), hazelnut pulp* (6%).
* from organic farming

May contain: peanuts, almonds, cashews, barley, wheat, milk, soy.

Información Nutricional:


Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (40 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1667 (397) 668 (159)
Fat 13 g 5.2 g
- of which saturates 1.3 g 0.5 g
Carbohydrates 59 g 24 g
- of which sugars 32 g 13 g
Protein 8.0 g 3.2 g
Salt 0.02 g 0 g
Manganese 2.3 mg 0.9 mg

Sabor - Chocolate

Lista de ingredientes:

Dates*, cashews*, rice protein* 7.5 %, cocoa beans* 7%, cocoa* 5.5 %. (*certified BIO product).

May contain traces of peanuts and seeds.

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition table per 100 g per bar (45 g)
Energetic value 1,727 kJ (413 kcal) 777 kJ (186 kcal)
Fat 17 g 7.7 g
- of which saturates 5.3 g 2.4 g
Carbohydrates 50 g 23 g
- of which sugars 40 g 18 g
Fibre 6.4 g 2.9 g
Protein 14 g 6.3 g
Salt 0.1 g 0.04 g

Powerbar TRUE Organic Oat Bar - Sabor - Chocolate Chunks

Lista de ingredientes:

Oat flakes* (39%), oat syrup*, date pulp*, dark chocolate chips* (13%) (cane sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter), almond pulp* (8%),
* from organic farming

May contain: peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, barley, wheat, milk, soy.

Información Nutricional:


Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (40 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1690 (402) 675 (161)
Fat 13 g 5.3 g
- of which saturates 4.1 g 1.6 g
Carbohydrates 58 g 23 g
- of which sugars 29 g 12 g
Protein 9.2 g 3.7 g
Salt 0.02 g 0 g
Manganese 2.3 mg 0.9 mg

Powerbar TRUE Organic Oat Bar - Sabor - Chocolate Chunks

Lista de ingredientes:

Oat flakes* (39%), oat syrup*, date pulp*, dark chocolate chips* (13%) (cane sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter), almond pulp* (8%),
* from organic farming

May contain: peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, barley, wheat, milk, soy.

Información Nutricional:


Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (40 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1690 (402) 675 (161)
Fat 13 g 5.3 g
- of which saturates 4.1 g 1.6 g
Carbohydrates 58 g 23 g
- of which sugars 29 g 12 g
Protein 9.2 g 3.7 g
Salt 0.02 g 0 g
Manganese 2.3 mg 0.9 mg

Peak Punk Oat Flapjack Bar - Sabor - Chocolate Peanut (Cacahuete con chocolate)

Lista de ingredientes:

Gluten-free oat flakes* (32%), roasted peanuts* (22%), agave syrup*, vegetable fat* (vegetable oil* (sunflower), shea butter*, drinking water, green tea extract), dark chocolate chips* (10%) (cocoa mass*, sugar*, cocoa butter*, vanilla powder, cocoa solids 54%), sunflower lecithin*, salt.

*from controlled organic cultivation.

May contain traces of nutshells and fruit kernels as well as eggs, soy, peanuts, milk, sesame, mustard and celery.

Información Nutricional:

Nutritional facts per 100g
Physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 2,111
- in kilocalories: 507
Fat: 32 g
- of which saturated fatty acids: 8.7 g
Carbohydrates: 39 g
- of which sugar: 23 g
Dietary fibre: 5.5 g
Protein: 13 g
Salt: 0.33 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Chocolate Chip & Peanut Butter (Chocolate y Mantequilla de Cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes:

Peanut Butter*, Oat Flour*, Rolled Oats*, Brown Rice Syrup*, Cane Sugar*, Date Paste*, Pea Protein*, Cane Syrup*, Tapioca Syrup*, Rice Starch*, Palm Oil*, Peanut Flour*, Unsweetened Chocolate*, Peanuts*, Sunflower and/or Soybean Oil*, Rice Flour*, Vegetable Glycerin, Natural Flavors, Salt, Cocoa Butter*, Soy Lecithin*, Mixed Tocopherols (Antioxidant).


Contains peanuts and soy. May contain tree nuts, milk, sesame and wheat.

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1924 (460) 962 (230)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 5 g 2,5 g
Carbohydrate 52 g 27 g
of which sugars 22 g 11 g
Fibre 6 g 3 g
Protein 14 g 7 g
Salt 0,78 g 0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Chocolate Chip & Peanut Butter (Chocolate y Mantequilla de Cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes:

Peanut Butter*, Oat Flour*, Rolled Oats*, Brown Rice Syrup*, Cane Sugar*, Date Paste*, Pea Protein*, Cane Syrup*, Tapioca Syrup*, Rice Starch*, Palm Oil*, Peanut Flour*, Unsweetened Chocolate*, Peanuts*, Sunflower and/or Soybean Oil*, Rice Flour*, Vegetable Glycerin, Natural Flavors, Salt, Cocoa Butter*, Soy Lecithin*, Mixed Tocopherols (Antioxidant).


Contains peanuts and soy. May contain tree nuts, milk, sesame and wheat.

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1924 (460) 962 (230)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 5 g 2,5 g
Carbohydrate 52 g 27 g
of which sugars 22 g 11 g
Fibre 6 g 3 g
Protein 14 g 7 g
Salt 0,78 g 0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Sabor - Chocolate Chip & Peanut Butter (Chocolate y Mantequilla de Cacahuete)

Lista de ingredientes:

Peanut Butter*, Oat Flour*, Rolled Oats*, Brown Rice Syrup*, Cane Sugar*, Date Paste*, Pea Protein*, Cane Syrup*, Tapioca Syrup*, Rice Starch*, Palm Oil*, Peanut Flour*, Unsweetened Chocolate*, Peanuts*, Sunflower and/or Soybean Oil*, Rice Flour*, Vegetable Glycerin, Natural Flavors, Salt, Cocoa Butter*, Soy Lecithin*, Mixed Tocopherols (Antioxidant).


Contains peanuts and soy. May contain tree nuts, milk, sesame and wheat.

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1924 (460) 962 (230)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 5 g 2,5 g
Carbohydrate 52 g 27 g
of which sugars 22 g 11 g
Fibre 6 g 3 g
Protein 14 g 7 g
Salt 0,78 g 0,39 g

Peak Punk Oat Flapjack Bar - Sabor - Salted Peanut (Cacahuete Salado)

Lista de ingredientes:

Gluten-free oat flakes* (32%), agave syrup*, roasted peanuts* (26%), vegetable fat* (sunflower oil*, shea butter*, water, natural flavor), sea salt (0.9%), yerba mate* (0.6%), sunflower lecithin*.

*From controlled organic cultivation.

May contain traces of nutshells and fruit kernels as well as eggs, soy, peanuts, milk, sesame seeds, mustard and celery.

Información Nutricional:

Nutritional facts per bar (60 g)
Physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1135
- in kilocalories: 272
Fat: 14 g
- of which saturated fatty acids: 2,6  g
Carbohydrates: 28 g
- of which sugar: 14 g
Dietary fibre: 3,5 g
Protein: 6,6 g
Salt: 0,52 g

Sabor - Bayas

Lista de ingredientes:

Dates*, cashews*, rice protein* 5%, concentrated blackcurrant juice* 2.5%, natural raspberry aroma 1%, concentrated lemon juice*. (*certified BIO product).

May contain traces of peanuts and seeds.

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition table per 100 g per bar (45 g)
Energetic value 1,688 kJ (403 kcal) 760 kJ (181 kcal)
Fat 16 g 7.1 g
- of which saturates 2.9 g 1.3 g
Carbohydrates 54 g 24 g
- of which sugars 42 g 19 g
Fibre 3.5 g 1.6 g
Protein 12 g 5.3 g
Salt 0.1 g 0.04 g