Cada vez más personas optan por una dieta vegana, por ejemplo, por razones éticas, ecológicas o de salud, y evitan cualquier producto con ingredientes de origen animal. Muchos fabricantes de nutrición deportiva notan esta creciente demanda. Actualmente existe una amplia gama de alimentos deportivos veganos, desde barritas energéticas hasta geles y batidos en polvo.
Con el BIKE24 Surtido de Degustación Vegano, nos gustaría darle la oportunidad de comparar directamente algunos productos veganos de nuestra gama y ahorrar algo de dinero en el proceso.
Información sobre el producto:
¿Quiere llenar sus almacenes, saber exactamente lo que está comiendo y no comprometer el sabor? Entonces tenemos algo para usted: La TRUE Organic Oat Bar - con un máximo de 6 ingredientes de origen vegetal como la avena, los dátiles y las nueces - todo en la mejor calidad orgánica. Es climáticamente neutro y, dependiendo de la variedad, está hecho con cacao de comercio justo, y llega a usted en una innovadora lámina sin plástico y compostable en el jardín. Bueno para ti y bueno para el planeta.
Uso: 1-2 bares/día.
Maurten Solid 160 es una fuente de energía masticable en dos partes a base de avena y arroz - 1 pack, 2 mini-barritas. 40 gramos de hidratos de carbono, divididos en porciones iguales de 20 gramos para un suministro óptimo. Su combustible preferido: rápido, ligero, bajo en fibra y rico en hidratos de carbono.
Uso: Antes del ejercicio: Solid 160 puede utilizarse antes del ejercicio para aumentar los hidratos de carbono y mantener la fibra. Es un gran desayuno antes de la carrera o un tentempié en los días previos a un gran objetivo. Durante el ejercicio: Solid es un combustible ideal para sesiones de resistencia de intensidad baja a media de más de 2 horas. La barrita ayuda a añadir variedad a la dieta sin comprometer la tasa de absorción de los hidratos de carbono. Después del ejercicio: Las sesiones de entrenamiento duro o las carreras deben ser recompensadas. Solid es una excelente forma de reponer carbohidratos rápidamente.
Hidratos de carbono rápidamente disponibles en forma de bebida. La dextrosa pasa directamente al torrente sanguíneo, lo que ayuda a suministrar carbohidratos al cuerpo rápidamente.
Uso: Tome de 1/2 a 1 sobre de Dextro Energy Dextrose Drink según sea necesario.
Nutrición poderosa. Y un gran sabor. Ya sea que esté en un viaje de 150 millas en bicicleta o explorando una nueva ruta de senderismo, esta barra de energía está hecha para alimentar su aventura. Todos los productos proceden exclusivamente de la naturaleza y se cultivan de forma respetuosa con el medio ambiente. Es una ecuación bastante sencilla: buena comida dentro - buen rendimiento fuera. Con una mezcla de cereales integrales, proteínas y fibra, la Clif Bar te proporciona energía sostenida para que puedas esforzarte al máximo. Todas las barritas no contienen grasas trans.
Uso: Para obtener los mejores resultados, consuma la Clif Bar de una a tres horas antes del entrenamiento con abundante agua. Esto evita las punzadas de hambre y proporciona a los músculos que trabajan la energía que necesitan. Para viajes más largos y menos intensos, como el senderismo o el ciclismo, también puedes tomar CLIF Bar durante tus sesiones para saciar tu hambre y reponer tus reservas de glucógeno. La Clif Bar es ideal como tentempié o para reponer las reservas de energía después de una dura jornada.
GU proporciona a los atletas una inyección de 100 calorías en forma de una mezcla patentada de carbohidratos (70-80% de maltodextrina y 30-20% de fructosa) para proporcionar energía de alta calidad, fácil de digerir y de larga duración a los atletas de cualquier deporte y a todos los niveles. GU también contiene electrolitos para asegurar una hidratación adecuada, una mezcla de antioxidantes para proteger el tejido muscular del daño y una mezcla de aminoácidos para retrasar la fatiga muscular.
Uso: Se recomienda consumir un gel 15 minutos antes del ejercicio y luego cada 45 minutos durante el mismo. Además, se deben consumir entre 750 y 1000 ml de líquido por hora.
Barrita energética de alto rendimiento con copos de avena, cacahuetes y almendras. Sabor salado. La barrita de cereales de alta calidad ideal con hidratos de carbono de cadena corta, media y larga para un aporte energético progresivo, así como copos de avena ricos en betaglucanos.
Uso: Para aportar energía, consumir aproximadamente 1 hora antes y, según la intensidad y la tolerancia, también durante el rendimiento. También es adecuado como tentempié en la vida cotidiana.
Sanct Bernhard Sport Liquid Energie Pur es una fuente líquida altamente concentrada de energía sostenida compuesta por carbohidratos de cadena corta y media. Es ideal para los deportes de resistencia que requieren un suministro continuo de energía. Enriquecido con sodio y potasio, el cuerpo lo absorbe rápidamente. Sanct Bernhard Sport Liquid Energie Pur se presenta en un práctico tubo resellable. Muy fácil de digerir. Sobre todo también para la intolerancia a la fructosa.
Uso: Liquid Energie Pur puede tomarse sin diluir, sin ingesta adicional de líquidos. Beba 1/2 tubo cada 20 minutos, dependiendo de su carga de trabajo.
Nota: Consulte los artículos individuales en nuestra tienda para obtener información.
Este producto debe tomarse como parte de una dieta variada y equilibrada y junto con un estilo de vida saludable. Almacenar en un lugar fresco y seco.
Volumen de suministro: 7 piezas en total.
Nombre del producto: | BIKE24 Surtido de Degustación Vegano |
Fabricante: | Diverse |
Código de artículo: | NON242356 |
Producto Bio: | No |
Actividad: | Nutrición |
SUPLEMENTO PRINCIPAL: | Carbohidratos, Proteina, Cafeína / Guaraná |
CARACTERÍSTICAS: | Vegano, Vegetariano, Ofertas de degustación |
Sabor: | Dulce, Salado/Picante |
ANTES/DURANTE/DESPUÉS: | Antes, Durante, Despues |
Tipo de bebida: | Bebida lista para servir |
FORMATO: | Gel Energetico, Barras |
Lista de ingredientes: | Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), flavor, acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), GU Antioxidant Blend (Natural Vitamin E and C), citric acid, calcium carbonate, sea salt, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), fumaric acid, malic acid, GU Herbal Blend [chamomile, kola nut (with caffeine), Ginger], thickener (pectin). |
Información Nutricional: |
Cafeína: |
20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet) Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia.. |
Lista de ingredientes: | Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), flavor, acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), herbs (extract from green tea leaves (contains caffeine), extract of chamomile extract of ginger), citric acid, antioxidants (natural vitamin e and C), calcium carbonate, sea salt, thickener (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate) |
Información Nutricional: |
Cafeína: |
40 mg / 32 g (1 sachet) | 125 mg / 100 g Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia.. |
Lista de ingredientes: | Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), citric acid, acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), antioxidants [vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate)], flavor, calcium carbonate, sea salt , flavoring, calcium carbonate, herbs [extract from green tea leaves (contains caffeine), extract of chamomile, ginger extract], thickener (gellan gum, pectin), preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), color (oleoresin capsicum). |
Información Nutricional: |
Cafeína: |
20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet) Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia.. |
Lista de ingredientes: | Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), citric acid, acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), antioxidants [vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate)], acids (citric, fumaric acid acid, malic acid), calcium carbonate, sea salt, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), herbs [chamomile, kola nut (caffeine), ginger], thickener (pectin) |
Información Nutricional: |
Lista de ingredientes: | Maltodextrin, water, fructose, unsweetened chocolate, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), antioxidants (vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate)), flavor, calcium carbonate, herbs [extract from green tea leaves (contains caffeine), extract of chamomile, ginger extract], calcium chloride, acid (citric acid, malic acid), thickener (gellan gum, pectin), preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), sea salt. |
Información Nutricional: |
Cafeína: |
20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet) Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia.. |
Lista de ingredientes: | Maltodextrin, water, fructose, flavorings, amino acids (leucine, valine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), calcium carbonate, sea salt, green tea extract (caffeine-containing), thickener (gellan gum) , Potassium sorbate), sunflower oil. |
Información Nutricional: |
Cafeína: |
20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet) Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia.. |
Lista de ingredientes: | Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), GU Antioxidant Blend (Natural Vitamin E and C), citric acid, calcium carbonate, flavor, sea salt, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), fumaric, GU Herbal Blend [chamomile, cola nut (with caffeine), ginger], thickener (pectin) |
Información Nutricional: |
Cafeína: |
20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet) Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia.. |
Lista de ingredientes: | Water, maltodextrine, sucrose, sodium chloride, tripotassium citrate, preservative: potassium sorbate, flavouring, acidifier: citric acid. Free from lactose and gluten. |
Información Nutricional: |
Lista de ingredientes: | Water, maltodextrin, trehalose *, sodium chloride, flavor, tripotassium citrate, preservative potassium sorbate, citric citric acid. * Trehalose is a source of glucose Free from lactose and gluten. |
Información Nutricional: |
Lista de ingredientes: | Maltodextrin, water, fructose, flavorings, amino acids (leucine, valine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), calcium carbonate, sea salt, green tea extract, acids (citric acid, apple acid), thickener (gellan gum), preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate) , dye (fruit juice, vegetable juice). |
Información Nutricional: |
Lista de ingredientes: | Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), natural coffee flavor, GU Antioxidant Blend (Natural Vitamin E and C), citric acid, calcium carbonate, sea salt, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate) acid, fumaric acid, malic acid, GU Herbal Blend [chamomile, kola nut (with caffeine), Ginger], thickener (pectin). |
Información Nutricional: |
Cafeína: |
40 mg per 32 g (1 sachet) Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia.. |
Lista de ingredientes: | Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), GU Antioxidant Blend (Natural Vitamin E and C), calcium carbonate, sea salt, malic acid, natural lemon flavor, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate) , citric acid, fumaric acid, GU Herbal Blend (chamomile, ginger), thickener (pectin). |
Información Nutricional: |
Lista de ingredientes: | Water, dextrose (25 %), invert sugar syrup (22 %), acidifier (citric acid), flavor, colorant (E 150c). | |||||||||||||||
Información Nutricional: |
Lista de ingredientes: | Water, dextrose (25 %), invert sugar syrup (22 %), acidifier (citric acid), flavor, colorant (E 150c). |
Información Nutricional: |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (20.5%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Chicory root extract, soy flour*, almonds* (4.2%), dried blueberries (3.0%), apple juice concentrate, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, acidity regulator: Citric acid, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (20.5%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Chicory root extract, soy flour*, almonds* (4.2%), dried blueberries (3.0%), apple juice concentrate, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, acidity regulator: Citric acid, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (20.5%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Chicory root extract, soy flour*, almonds* (4.2%), dried blueberries (3.0%), apple juice concentrate, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, acidity regulator: Citric acid, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (20.5%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Chicory root extract, soy flour*, almonds* (4.2%), dried blueberries (3.0%), apple juice concentrate, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, acidity regulator: Citric acid, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (20.5%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Chicory root extract, soy flour*, almonds* (4.2%), dried blueberries (3.0%), apple juice concentrate, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, acidity regulator: Citric acid, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (20.5%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Chicory root extract, soy flour*, almonds* (4.2%), dried blueberries (3.0%), apple juice concentrate, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, acidity regulator: Citric acid, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (20.5%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Chicory root extract, soy flour*, almonds* (4.2%), dried blueberries (3.0%), apple juice concentrate, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, acidity regulator: Citric acid, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (20.5%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Chicory root extract, soy flour*, almonds* (4.2%), dried blueberries (3.0%), apple juice concentrate, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, acidity regulator: Citric acid, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (20.5%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Chicory root extract, soy flour*, almonds* (4.2%), dried blueberries (3.0%), apple juice concentrate, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, acidity regulator: Citric acid, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (20.5%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Chicory root extract, soy flour*, almonds* (4.2%), dried blueberries (3.0%), apple juice concentrate, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, acidity regulator: Citric acid, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (20.5%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Chicory root extract, soy flour*, almonds* (4.2%), dried blueberries (3.0%), apple juice concentrate, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, acidity regulator: Citric acid, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (20.5%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Chicory root extract, soy flour*, almonds* (4.2%), dried blueberries (3.0%), apple juice concentrate, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, acidity regulator: Citric acid, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (20.5%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Chicory root extract, soy flour*, almonds* (4.2%), dried blueberries (3.0%), apple juice concentrate, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, acidity regulator: Citric acid, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Fructose-Glucose Syrup, Gluten Free Oats, Maltodextrin, Rice Flour, Sugar, Sunflower Oil, Glucose Syrup, Rice Bran, Salt, Emulsifier (Lecithin), Rice Extract. Additives: Emulsifier (Lecithin) (E322) from Sunflower. May contain traces of: Milk / Soy / Gluten / Nuts / Peanuts / Sesame. |
Información Nutricional: | The nutritional informations refer to 100g / 55 g bar |
Lista de ingredientes: | Fructose-Glucose Syrup, Gluten Free Oats, Maltodextrin, Rice Flour, Sugar, Sunflower Oil, Glucose Syrup, Rice Bran, Salt, Emulsifier (Lecithin), Rice Extract. Additives: Emulsifier (Lecithin) (E322) from Sunflower. May contain traces of: Milk / Soy / Gluten / Nuts / Peanuts / Sesame. |
Información Nutricional: | The nutritional informations refer to 100g / 55 g bar |
Lista de ingredientes: | Sucrose, maltodextrin, dextrose, mineral mixture (potassium chloride, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, sodium chloride, magnesium citrate), acidifying agent (citric acid), flavoring, coloring (beta carotene), beetroot powder.
May contain traces of milk protein. |
Información Nutricional: |
* nutrient reference values |
Lista de ingredientes: | Water, dextrose (26.5%), invert sugar syrup (23%), acidifier (citric acid), flavor, antioxidant (ascorbic acid), stabilizer (pectin), niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, riboflavin, thiamin. |
Información Nutricional: |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain oatmeal* (21.1%), brown rice syrup*, tapioca syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), cane sugar syrup*, roasted soybeans*, peanut butter* (6.2%), peanuts (5.9%), peanut flour (4.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, natural flavors, sea salt. *Organic May contain other nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain oatmeal* (21.1%), brown rice syrup*, tapioca syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), cane sugar syrup*, roasted soybeans*, peanut butter* (6.2%), peanuts (5.9%), peanut flour (4.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, natural flavors, sea salt. *Organic May contain other nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain oatmeal* (21.1%), brown rice syrup*, tapioca syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), cane sugar syrup*, roasted soybeans*, peanut butter* (6.2%), peanuts (5.9%), peanut flour (4.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, natural flavors, sea salt. *Organic May contain other nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain oatmeal* (21.1%), brown rice syrup*, tapioca syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), cane sugar syrup*, roasted soybeans*, peanut butter* (6.2%), peanuts (5.9%), peanut flour (4.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, natural flavors, sea salt. *Organic May contain other nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain oatmeal* (21.1%), brown rice syrup*, tapioca syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), cane sugar syrup*, roasted soybeans*, peanut butter* (6.2%), peanuts (5.9%), peanut flour (4.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, natural flavors, sea salt. *Organic May contain other nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain oatmeal* (21.1%), brown rice syrup*, tapioca syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), cane sugar syrup*, roasted soybeans*, peanut butter* (6.2%), peanuts (5.9%), peanut flour (4.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, natural flavors, sea salt. *Organic May contain other nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain oatmeal* (21.1%), brown rice syrup*, tapioca syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), cane sugar syrup*, roasted soybeans*, peanut butter* (6.2%), peanuts (5.9%), peanut flour (4.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, natural flavors, sea salt. *Organic May contain other nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain oatmeal* (21.1%), brown rice syrup*, tapioca syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), cane sugar syrup*, roasted soybeans*, peanut butter* (6.2%), peanuts (5.9%), peanut flour (4.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, natural flavors, sea salt. *Organic May contain other nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain oatmeal* (21.1%), brown rice syrup*, tapioca syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), cane sugar syrup*, roasted soybeans*, peanut butter* (6.2%), peanuts (5.9%), peanut flour (4.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, natural flavors, sea salt. *Organic May contain other nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain oatmeal* (21.1%), brown rice syrup*, tapioca syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), cane sugar syrup*, roasted soybeans*, peanut butter* (6.2%), peanuts (5.9%), peanut flour (4.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, natural flavors, sea salt. *Organic May contain other nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain oatmeal* (21.1%), brown rice syrup*, tapioca syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), cane sugar syrup*, roasted soybeans*, peanut butter* (6.2%), peanuts (5.9%), peanut flour (4.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, natural flavors, sea salt. *Organic May contain other nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain oatmeal* (21.1%), brown rice syrup*, tapioca syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), cane sugar syrup*, roasted soybeans*, peanut butter* (6.2%), peanuts (5.9%), peanut flour (4.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, natural flavors, sea salt. *Organic May contain other nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain oatmeal* (21.1%), brown rice syrup*, tapioca syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), cane sugar syrup*, roasted soybeans*, peanut butter* (6.2%), peanuts (5.9%), peanut flour (4.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, natural flavors, sea salt. *Organic May contain other nuts, milk, sesame, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Gluten-free oats, fructose-glucose syrup, maltodextrin, sugar, rice flour, sunflower oil, fat-reduced cocoa, rice bran, salt, emulsifier (lecithin), rice extract. Additives: Emulsifier (lecithin) (E322) from sunflower. May contain traces of: milk / soy / gluten / nuts / peanuts / sesame. |
Información Nutricional: | The nutritional informations refer to 100g / 55 g bar |
Lista de ingredientes: | Gluten-free oats, fructose-glucose syrup, maltodextrin, sugar, rice flour, sunflower oil, fat-reduced cocoa, rice bran, salt, emulsifier (lecithin), rice extract. Additives: Emulsifier (lecithin) (E322) from sunflower. May contain traces of: milk / soy / gluten / nuts / peanuts / sesame. |
Información Nutricional: | The nutritional informations refer to 100g / 55 g bar |
Lista de ingredientes: | Oat flakes* (39%), oat syrup*, date pulp*, dark chocolate chips* (13%) (cane sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter), almond pulp* (8%), May contain: peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, barley, wheat, milk, soy. |
Información Nutricional: |
Lista de ingredientes: | Oat flakes* (39%), oat syrup*, date pulp*, dark chocolate chips* (13%) (cane sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter), almond pulp* (8%), May contain: peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, barley, wheat, milk, soy. |
Información Nutricional: |
Lista de ingredientes: | Oat flakes* (39%), oat syrup*, date pulp*, dark chocolate chips* (13%) (cane sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter), almond pulp* (8%), May contain: peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, barley, wheat, milk, soy. |
Información Nutricional: |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (21.9%), brown rice syrup*, roasted soybeans*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Macadamia nuts* (4.9%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, cane sugar*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cocoa butter (0.9%), soy flour, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts, emulsifier: soy lecithin. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (21.9%), brown rice syrup*, roasted soybeans*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Macadamia nuts* (4.9%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, cane sugar*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cocoa butter (0.9%), soy flour, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts, emulsifier: soy lecithin. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (21.9%), brown rice syrup*, roasted soybeans*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Macadamia nuts* (4.9%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, cane sugar*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cocoa butter (0.9%), soy flour, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts, emulsifier: soy lecithin. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (21.9%), brown rice syrup*, roasted soybeans*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Macadamia nuts* (4.9%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, cane sugar*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cocoa butter (0.9%), soy flour, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts, emulsifier: soy lecithin. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (21.9%), brown rice syrup*, roasted soybeans*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Macadamia nuts* (4.9%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, cane sugar*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cocoa butter (0.9%), soy flour, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts, emulsifier: soy lecithin. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (21.9%), brown rice syrup*, roasted soybeans*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Macadamia nuts* (4.9%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, cane sugar*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cocoa butter (0.9%), soy flour, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts, emulsifier: soy lecithin. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (21.9%), brown rice syrup*, roasted soybeans*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Macadamia nuts* (4.9%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, cane sugar*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cocoa butter (0.9%), soy flour, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts, emulsifier: soy lecithin. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (21.9%), brown rice syrup*, roasted soybeans*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Macadamia nuts* (4.9%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, cane sugar*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cocoa butter (0.9%), soy flour, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts, emulsifier: soy lecithin. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (21.9%), brown rice syrup*, roasted soybeans*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Macadamia nuts* (4.9%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, cane sugar*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cocoa butter (0.9%), soy flour, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts, emulsifier: soy lecithin. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (21.9%), brown rice syrup*, roasted soybeans*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Macadamia nuts* (4.9%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, cane sugar*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cocoa butter (0.9%), soy flour, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts, emulsifier: soy lecithin. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (21.9%), brown rice syrup*, roasted soybeans*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Macadamia nuts* (4.9%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, cane sugar*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cocoa butter (0.9%), soy flour, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts, emulsifier: soy lecithin. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (21.9%), brown rice syrup*, roasted soybeans*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Macadamia nuts* (4.9%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, cane sugar*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cocoa butter (0.9%), soy flour, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts, emulsifier: soy lecithin. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (21.9%), brown rice syrup*, roasted soybeans*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, Macadamia nuts* (4.9%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, cane sugar*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cocoa butter (0.9%), soy flour, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts, emulsifier: soy lecithin. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Water, dextrose (25.6%), invert sugar syrup (22.5%), acidifier (citric acid), natural flavor. |
Información Nutricional: |
Lista de ingredientes: | Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acid (L-leucine), flavourings, citric acid, acidity regulators (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), herbs [extract from green tea leaves (contains caffeine), Colouring agent (fruit and vegetable juice), calcium carbonate, amino acid (L-valine), sea salt, thickener (gellan gum), amino acid (L-isoleucine), medium-chain triglycerides, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate). |
Información Nutricional: |
Cafeína: |
40 mg / 32 g (1 sachet) | 125 mg / 100 g Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia.. |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.4%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, almonds* (4, 1%), unsweetened chocolate (4.1%), soy flour*, chicory root extract, low fat cocoa powder (3.0%), high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.4%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, almonds* (4, 1%), unsweetened chocolate (4.1%), soy flour*, chicory root extract, low fat cocoa powder (3.0%), high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.4%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, almonds* (4, 1%), unsweetened chocolate (4.1%), soy flour*, chicory root extract, low fat cocoa powder (3.0%), high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.4%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, almonds* (4, 1%), unsweetened chocolate (4.1%), soy flour*, chicory root extract, low fat cocoa powder (3.0%), high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.4%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, almonds* (4, 1%), unsweetened chocolate (4.1%), soy flour*, chicory root extract, low fat cocoa powder (3.0%), high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.4%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, almonds* (4, 1%), unsweetened chocolate (4.1%), soy flour*, chicory root extract, low fat cocoa powder (3.0%), high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.4%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, almonds* (4, 1%), unsweetened chocolate (4.1%), soy flour*, chicory root extract, low fat cocoa powder (3.0%), high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.4%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, almonds* (4, 1%), unsweetened chocolate (4.1%), soy flour*, chicory root extract, low fat cocoa powder (3.0%), high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.4%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, almonds* (4, 1%), unsweetened chocolate (4.1%), soy flour*, chicory root extract, low fat cocoa powder (3.0%), high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.4%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, almonds* (4, 1%), unsweetened chocolate (4.1%), soy flour*, chicory root extract, low fat cocoa powder (3.0%), high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.4%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, almonds* (4, 1%), unsweetened chocolate (4.1%), soy flour*, chicory root extract, low fat cocoa powder (3.0%), high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.4%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, almonds* (4, 1%), unsweetened chocolate (4.1%), soy flour*, chicory root extract, low fat cocoa powder (3.0%), high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.4%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice crispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, almonds* (4, 1%), unsweetened chocolate (4.1%), soy flour*, chicory root extract, low fat cocoa powder (3.0%), high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, antioxidant: high tocopherol extracts. *Organic May contain peanuts, other nuts, milk, sesame seeds, rye, triticale and wheat. May contain pieces of nut shell. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.3%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, unsweetened chocolate (5.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cinnamon*. *Organic |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.3%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, unsweetened chocolate (5.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cinnamon*. *Organic |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.3%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, unsweetened chocolate (5.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cinnamon*. *Organic |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.3%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, unsweetened chocolate (5.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cinnamon*. *Organic |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.3%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, unsweetened chocolate (5.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cinnamon*. *Organic |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.3%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, unsweetened chocolate (5.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cinnamon*. *Organic |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.3%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, unsweetened chocolate (5.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cinnamon*. *Organic |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.3%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, unsweetened chocolate (5.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cinnamon*. *Organic |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.3%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, unsweetened chocolate (5.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cinnamon*. *Organic |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.3%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, unsweetened chocolate (5.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cinnamon*. *Organic |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.3%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, unsweetened chocolate (5.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cinnamon*. *Organic |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.3%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, unsweetened chocolate (5.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cinnamon*. *Organic |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Whole grain rolled oats* (22.3%), brown rice syrup*, soy rice krispies (soy protein isolate, rice flour, barley malt extract), roasted soybeans*, tapioca syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, unsweetened chocolate (5.5%), chicory root extract, soy flour*, high oleic sunflower oil*, natural flavors, sea salt, cinnamon*. *Organic |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Brown rice syrup*, soy protein isolate, peanuts* (8.37%), rolled oats (7.56%), cane sugar syrup*, rice flour, peanut butter* (5.76%), oat fiber*, cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate* (2, 60%), roasted soybeans*, banana powder* (1.52%), soy flour, dried bananas (0.62%), sea salt, cocoa butter* (0.39%), natural flavors, barley malt extract, emulsifier: Soy lecithin, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Biological May contain nuts, milk, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Brown rice syrup*, soy protein isolate, peanuts* (8.37%), rolled oats (7.56%), cane sugar syrup*, rice flour, peanut butter* (5.76%), oat fiber*, cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate* (2, 60%), roasted soybeans*, banana powder* (1.52%), soy flour, dried bananas (0.62%), sea salt, cocoa butter* (0.39%), natural flavors, barley malt extract, emulsifier: Soy lecithin, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Biological May contain nuts, milk, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Brown rice syrup*, soy protein isolate, peanuts* (8.37%), rolled oats (7.56%), cane sugar syrup*, rice flour, peanut butter* (5.76%), oat fiber*, cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate* (2, 60%), roasted soybeans*, banana powder* (1.52%), soy flour, dried bananas (0.62%), sea salt, cocoa butter* (0.39%), natural flavors, barley malt extract, emulsifier: Soy lecithin, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Biological May contain nuts, milk, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Brown rice syrup*, soy protein isolate, peanuts* (8.37%), rolled oats (7.56%), cane sugar syrup*, rice flour, peanut butter* (5.76%), oat fiber*, cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate* (2, 60%), roasted soybeans*, banana powder* (1.52%), soy flour, dried bananas (0.62%), sea salt, cocoa butter* (0.39%), natural flavors, barley malt extract, emulsifier: Soy lecithin, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Biological May contain nuts, milk, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Brown rice syrup*, soy protein isolate, peanuts* (8.37%), rolled oats (7.56%), cane sugar syrup*, rice flour, peanut butter* (5.76%), oat fiber*, cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate* (2, 60%), roasted soybeans*, banana powder* (1.52%), soy flour, dried bananas (0.62%), sea salt, cocoa butter* (0.39%), natural flavors, barley malt extract, emulsifier: Soy lecithin, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Biological May contain nuts, milk, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Brown rice syrup*, soy protein isolate, peanuts* (8.37%), rolled oats (7.56%), cane sugar syrup*, rice flour, peanut butter* (5.76%), oat fiber*, cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate* (2, 60%), roasted soybeans*, banana powder* (1.52%), soy flour, dried bananas (0.62%), sea salt, cocoa butter* (0.39%), natural flavors, barley malt extract, emulsifier: Soy lecithin, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Biological May contain nuts, milk, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Brown rice syrup*, soy protein isolate, peanuts* (8.37%), rolled oats (7.56%), cane sugar syrup*, rice flour, peanut butter* (5.76%), oat fiber*, cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate* (2, 60%), roasted soybeans*, banana powder* (1.52%), soy flour, dried bananas (0.62%), sea salt, cocoa butter* (0.39%), natural flavors, barley malt extract, emulsifier: Soy lecithin, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Biological May contain nuts, milk, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Brown rice syrup*, soy protein isolate, peanuts* (8.37%), rolled oats (7.56%), cane sugar syrup*, rice flour, peanut butter* (5.76%), oat fiber*, cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate* (2, 60%), roasted soybeans*, banana powder* (1.52%), soy flour, dried bananas (0.62%), sea salt, cocoa butter* (0.39%), natural flavors, barley malt extract, emulsifier: Soy lecithin, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Biological May contain nuts, milk, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Brown rice syrup*, soy protein isolate, peanuts* (8.37%), rolled oats (7.56%), cane sugar syrup*, rice flour, peanut butter* (5.76%), oat fiber*, cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate* (2, 60%), roasted soybeans*, banana powder* (1.52%), soy flour, dried bananas (0.62%), sea salt, cocoa butter* (0.39%), natural flavors, barley malt extract, emulsifier: Soy lecithin, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Biological May contain nuts, milk, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Brown rice syrup*, soy protein isolate, peanuts* (8.37%), rolled oats (7.56%), cane sugar syrup*, rice flour, peanut butter* (5.76%), oat fiber*, cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate* (2, 60%), roasted soybeans*, banana powder* (1.52%), soy flour, dried bananas (0.62%), sea salt, cocoa butter* (0.39%), natural flavors, barley malt extract, emulsifier: Soy lecithin, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Biological May contain nuts, milk, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Brown rice syrup*, soy protein isolate, peanuts* (8.37%), rolled oats (7.56%), cane sugar syrup*, rice flour, peanut butter* (5.76%), oat fiber*, cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate* (2, 60%), roasted soybeans*, banana powder* (1.52%), soy flour, dried bananas (0.62%), sea salt, cocoa butter* (0.39%), natural flavors, barley malt extract, emulsifier: Soy lecithin, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Biological May contain nuts, milk, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Brown rice syrup*, soy protein isolate, peanuts* (8.37%), rolled oats (7.56%), cane sugar syrup*, rice flour, peanut butter* (5.76%), oat fiber*, cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate* (2, 60%), roasted soybeans*, banana powder* (1.52%), soy flour, dried bananas (0.62%), sea salt, cocoa butter* (0.39%), natural flavors, barley malt extract, emulsifier: Soy lecithin, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Biological May contain nuts, milk, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Brown rice syrup*, soy protein isolate, peanuts* (8.37%), rolled oats (7.56%), cane sugar syrup*, rice flour, peanut butter* (5.76%), oat fiber*, cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate* (2, 60%), roasted soybeans*, banana powder* (1.52%), soy flour, dried bananas (0.62%), sea salt, cocoa butter* (0.39%), natural flavors, barley malt extract, emulsifier: Soy lecithin, antioxidant: extracts containing strong tocopherols. *Biological May contain nuts, milk, rye, triticale and wheat. |
Información Nutricional: |
* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value |
Lista de ingredientes: | Maltodextrin, water, fructose, L-leucine, natural flavors, citric acid, sodium citrate, potassium citrate, calcium carbonate, L-valine, sea salt, thickener (gellan gum), L-isoleucine, medium-chain triglycerides, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, fruit and vegetable juice (as colorant). |
Información Nutricional: |
Lista de ingredientes: | Maltodextrin, water, fructose, leucine, sea salt, citric acid, natural flavor, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, calcium carbonate, valine, green tea extract (leaf) (contains caffeine), gellan gum, isoleucine, sunflower oil, sodium benzoate (preservative), potassium sorbate (preservative). |
Información Nutricional: |
Cafeína: |
20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet) Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia.. |