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BIKE24 Surtido de Degustación de Gel Energético II

BIKE24 Surtido de Degustación de Gel Energético II

¡En exclusiva en BIKE24!

Pruebe 6 geles energéticos diferentes de las marcas que ofrecemos en comparación directa.

BIKE24 Surtido de Degustación de Gel Energético II contiene:

  • 1x Dextro Energy Liquid Gel con Carbohidratos (60 ml - diferentes sabores)
  • 1x GU Energy Gel con Carbohidratos (32 g - diferentes sabores)
  • 1x 226ERS High Energy Gel con Carbohidratos (76 g - diferentes sabores)
  • 1x Maxim Energy Gel con Carbohidratos (33 g - diferentes sabores)
  • 1x Powerbar PowerGel Hydro con Carbohidratos (67 ml - sabores diferentes)
  • 1x Xenofit Energy Gel - con Carbohidratos (25 g - diferentes sabores)

Información sobre el producto:

Dextro Energy Liquid Gel

El Liquid Gel es un concentrado de hidratos de carbono de cadena corta que están rápidamente disponibles en el organismo. El Liquid Gel está especialmente indicado para su uso durante las actividades deportivas. Su consistencia líquida hace que sea fácil de consumir incluso durante un esfuerzo físico intenso.

Uso: 1 sobre cada 20-45 minutos.

GU Energy Gel

GU Energy Gel proporciona calorías ricas en energía en un paquete portátil para satisfacer las necesidades de energía para cualquier duración o actividad. GU Energy Gel contiene 100 calorías y utiliza maltodextrina y fructosa para proporcionar energía eficiente y reducir el malestar estomacal. GU proporciona a los atletas una inyección de 100 calorías en forma de una mezcla patentada de carbohidratos (70% - 80% de maltodextrina y 30 - 20% de fructosa) para proporcionar energía de alta calidad, fácil de digerir y de larga duración para los atletas de cualquier deporte y a todos los niveles. GU también contiene electrolitos para asegurar una hidratación adecuada, una mezcla de antioxidantes para prevenir el daño al tejido muscular y una mezcla de aminoácidos para retrasar la fatiga muscular.

Uso: Se recomienda tomar un gel 15 minutos antes del ejercicio y luego cada 30 a 45 minutos durante el mismo. Además, se deben consumir entre 750 y 1000 ml de líquido por hora.

226ERS High Energy Gel

High Energy Gel es un gel energético cuya principal fuente de hidratos de carbono es la ciclodextrina, un hidrato de carbono de última generación que mejora la reposición de glucógeno de forma más eficiente. El sobre de gel de 76g 200kcal contiene 50g de carbohidratos en una proporción 1:1 de carbohidratos complejos y simples.

Uso: Puede consumir hasta 2 sobres de gel por hora con 300 ml de agua según sea necesario durante el ejercicio. // Sabores de Cereza y Café Expreso con cafeína: Puede consumir hasta 1 sobre de gel por hora con 500 ml de agua, según sea necesario, durante su entrenamiento. Manténgase hidratado.

Maxim Energy Gel

Maxim Energy Gel es un gel de carbohidratos. Contiene aproximadamente un 35% de glucosa pura, un 35% de maltosa y un 30% de polisacáridos. La glucosa es un carbohidrato que el cuerpo convierte inmediatamente en energía. Se absorbe en el torrente sanguíneo inmediatamente después de su consumo porque no tiene que ser digerido primero. Durante un ejercicio intenso y prolongado o si no ha comido durante un tiempo, su nivel de azúcar en sangre desciende por debajo de lo normal. El resultado: un descenso de la energía, problemas de concentración y, por tanto, un menor rendimiento. Este problema se da especialmente en los deportes de resistencia como el triatlón, el ciclismo, la carrera a pie, el remo, etc.

Uso: Consumir 33 g del gel energético cada 20 - 30 minutos durante la práctica deportiva con 1 - 2 sorbos de agua. Una vez abierto, utilícelo antes de 3 días.

Powerbar PowerGel Hydro

Gel líquido de carbohidratos concentrados con sodio para deportistas. ¿Lo has dado todo en la última hora y ahora quieres otro PowerGel® que no requiera beber más? Entonces deberías probar el PowerGel® Hydro de PowerBar. Con C2MAX Dual Source Carb Mix, proporciona carbohidratos en una proporción 2:1 científicamente desarrollada de fuentes de glucosa y fructosa. La consistencia líquida del gel es fácil de tragar y no requiere que se beba inmediatamente después de la merienda, como ocurre con otros geles. Ideal para corredores o atletas que prefieren un gel más líquido.

Uso: Tomar 1 sobre según sea necesario a intervalos regulares durante el ejercicio. Sabor sin cafeína: 1 - 4 sobres al día. Sabores de mojito y cereza: 1 - 3 sobres al día. Sabor Cola: consumir 1 sobre al día durante el ejercicio intenso.

Xenofit Energy Gel

Gel concentrado de carbohidratos para deportistas. El gel energético para deportistas: una combinación sensata de hidratos de carbono de cadena corta y larga con vitaminas B2 y B6. Los geles energéticos contienen mezclas de carbohidratos altamente concentradas. La dosis única de 25 g por barra de gel ha demostrado su eficacia en el entrenamiento y la competición. La práctica funda de la barra de gel es fácil de abrir con una sola mano. Incluso cuando hace frío, el gel mantiene una consistencia agradable. La vitamina B6 ayuda a reducir el cansancio y la fatiga, entre otras cosas.

Uso: Antes y durante el rendimiento deportivo. 4 barritas al día con abundante agua (al menos 200 ml/barrita). Hasta 10 barritas al día en caso de grandes esfuerzos.

Nota: Para más información sobre los distintos productos, consulte los artículos correspondientes en nuestra tienda.

Estos productos deben consumirse como parte de una dieta variada y equilibrada y un estilo de vida saludable. Almacenar en un lugar fresco y seco.


Volumen de suministro: 6 geles energéticos en total.

Especificaciones de BIKE24 Surtido de Degustación de Gel Energético II

Nombre del producto: BIKE24 Surtido de Degustación de Gel Energético II
Fabricante: Diverse
Código de artículo: NON117184
Producto Bio: No
Actividad: Nutrición
SUPLEMENTO PRINCIPAL: Carbohidratos, Cafeína / Guaraná, Vitaminas / Minerales
CARACTERÍSTICAS: Vegetariano, Ofertas de degustación
Sabor: Dulce
FORMATO: Gel Energetico

Información sobre alimentos para "BIKE24 Surtido de Degustación de Gel Energético II"

Lista de ingredientes: GU Energy Gel Espresso Love
Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), natural coffee flavor, GU Antioxidant Blend (Natural Vitamin E and C), citric acid, calcium carbonate, sea salt, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate) acid, fumaric acid, malic acid, GU Herbal Blend [chamomile, kola nut (with caffeine), Ginger], thickener (pectin).
Información Nutricional: GU Energy Gel Espresso Love
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1328 kJ (425 kcal) 425 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 78,0 g 25,0 g
which sugars 15,0 g 5,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 156,0 mg 50,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Fiber 0,0 g 0,0 g
Potassium 141,0 mg 45,0 mg
Caffeine 125,0 mg 40,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Amino Acids (BCAA) 1406,0 mg 450 mg
L-Leucine n.a. n.a.
L-Valine n.a. n.a.
L-Isoleucine n.a. n.a.
L-Histidine n.a. n.a.
Nutritional Information: Vitamins per 100 g % RDA* (100g) % RDA* (32g)
Vitamin C 125,0 mg 320,0 % 100,0 %
Vitamin E 31,0 mg 320,0 % 100,0 %
Calcium n.a. 6,0 % 2,0 %

* RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance
Cafeína: 40 mg per 32 g (1 sachet)
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..


Dextro Energy Liquid Gel - Sabor - Cola

Lista de ingredientes:

water, dextrose, invert-sugar syrup, acid (citric acid, phosphoric acid), colouring (E 150d), guaranaextract, caffeine aroma, natural flavouring.

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition table Typical nutritional values per 60 ml
Energy 482 kJ (113 kcal)
Fat 0 g
of which saturates 0 g
Carbohydrate 28,1 g
of which sugars 28,1 g
Protein 0 g
Salt 0,003 g

GU Energy Gel - Sabor - Santiguoed Caramel (caramelo - Salzig) - con cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), flavor, acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), GU Antioxidant Blend (Natural Vitamin E and C), citric acid, calcium carbonate, sea salt, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), fumaric acid, malic acid, GU Herbal Blend [chamomile, kola nut (with caffeine), Ginger], thickener (pectin).

Información Nutricional:
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1306 kJ (312 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 69,0 g 22,0 g
which sugars 22,0 g 7,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 975,0 mg 312,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Fiber 0,0 g 0,0 g
Potassium 125,0 mg 40,0 mg
Caffeine 63,0 mg 20,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Amino Acids (BCAA) n.a. n.a.
L-Leucine 1172,0 mg 375,0 mg
L-Valine 156,0 mg 50,0 mg
L-Isoleucine 47,0 mg 15,0 mg
L-Histidine 125,0 mg 40,0 mg
Nutritional Information: Vitamins per 100 g % RDA* (100g) % RDA* (32g)
Vitamin C 125,0 mg 156,0 % 50,0 %
Vitamin E 31,0 mg 258,0 % 83,0 %

* RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance

Cafeína: 20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet)
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

GU Energy Gel - Sabor - Caramel Macchiato (caramelo café) - 2x cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), flavor, acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), herbs (extract from green tea leaves (contains caffeine), extract of chamomile extract of ginger), citric acid, antioxidants (natural vitamin e and C), calcium carbonate, sea salt, thickener (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate)

Información Nutricional:
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1328 kJ (312 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 69,0 g 22,0 g
which sugars 21,0 g 7,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 469,0 mg 150,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Fiber 0,0 g 0,0 g
Potassium 125,0 mg 40,0 mg
Caffeine 63,0 mg 20,0 mg
Nutritional Information: Vitamins per 100 g % RDA* (100g) % RDA* (32g)
Vitamin C 125,0 mg 156,0 % 50,0 %
Vitamin E 31,0 mg 258,0 % 83,0 %

Amino Acids (BCAA): 1406 mg / 100g | 450 mg / serving

* RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance (Nutrition Reference Value)

Cafeína: 40 mg / 32 g (1 sachet) | 125 mg / 100 g
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

Xenofit Energy Gel - Sabor - grosella roja + extracto de mate

Lista de ingredientes: Maltodextrin 55%, water, dextrose 10%, fructose 2%, acidity regulator sodium citrates, mate tea extract (with approx. 3% caffeine) 1%, preservative potassium sorbate, acidifier citric acid, flavor (raspberry), fruit tea extract on maltodextrin, antioxidant ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2
Información Nutricional: Nutritional facts per 100 g
physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1183
- in kilocalories 278
Fat: 0 g
- saturated fatty acids: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 68 g
- of which sugar: 17 g
Protein : 0 g
Salt: 0,9 g

Vitamins & Minerals per100 g

Thiamin (Vitamin B1): 1,1 mg (100 % NRV*)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 1,3 mg (100 % NRV*)
Vitamin B6: 1,57 mg (112 % NRV*)

NRV - Nutrient Reference Values
Cafeína: 30 mg per 100 g
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

Xenofit Energy Gel - Sabor - grosella roja + extracto de mate

Lista de ingredientes: Maltodextrin 55%, water, dextrose 10%, fructose 2%, acidity regulator sodium citrates, mate tea extract (with approx. 3% caffeine) 1%, preservative potassium sorbate, acidifier citric acid, flavor (raspberry), fruit tea extract on maltodextrin, antioxidant ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2
Información Nutricional: Nutritional facts per 100 g
physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1183
- in kilocalories 278
Fat: 0 g
- saturated fatty acids: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 68 g
- of which sugar: 17 g
Protein : 0 g
Salt: 0,9 g

Vitamins & Minerals per100 g

Thiamin (Vitamin B1): 1,1 mg (100 % NRV*)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 1,3 mg (100 % NRV*)
Vitamin B6: 1,57 mg (112 % NRV*)

NRV - Nutrient Reference Values
Cafeína: 30 mg per 100 g
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

Xenofit Energy Gel - Sabor - grosella roja + extracto de mate

Lista de ingredientes: Maltodextrin 55%, water, dextrose 10%, fructose 2%, acidity regulator sodium citrates, mate tea extract (with approx. 3% caffeine) 1%, preservative potassium sorbate, acidifier citric acid, flavor (raspberry), fruit tea extract on maltodextrin, antioxidant ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2
Información Nutricional: Nutritional facts per 100 g
physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1183
- in kilocalories 278
Fat: 0 g
- saturated fatty acids: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 68 g
- of which sugar: 17 g
Protein : 0 g
Salt: 0,9 g

Vitamins & Minerals per100 g

Thiamin (Vitamin B1): 1,1 mg (100 % NRV*)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 1,3 mg (100 % NRV*)
Vitamin B6: 1,57 mg (112 % NRV*)

NRV - Nutrient Reference Values
Cafeína: 30 mg per 100 g
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

Xenofit Energy Gel - Sabor - grosella roja + extracto de mate

Lista de ingredientes: Maltodextrin 55%, water, dextrose 10%, fructose 2%, acidity regulator sodium citrates, mate tea extract (with approx. 3% caffeine) 1%, preservative potassium sorbate, acidifier citric acid, flavor (raspberry), fruit tea extract on maltodextrin, antioxidant ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2
Información Nutricional: Nutritional facts per 100 g
physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1183
- in kilocalories 278
Fat: 0 g
- saturated fatty acids: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 68 g
- of which sugar: 17 g
Protein : 0 g
Salt: 0,9 g

Vitamins & Minerals per100 g

Thiamin (Vitamin B1): 1,1 mg (100 % NRV*)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 1,3 mg (100 % NRV*)
Vitamin B6: 1,57 mg (112 % NRV*)

NRV - Nutrient Reference Values
Cafeína: 30 mg per 100 g
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

Xenofit Energy Gel - Sabor - grosella roja + extracto de mate

Lista de ingredientes: Maltodextrin 55%, water, dextrose 10%, fructose 2%, acidity regulator sodium citrates, mate tea extract (with approx. 3% caffeine) 1%, preservative potassium sorbate, acidifier citric acid, flavor (raspberry), fruit tea extract on maltodextrin, antioxidant ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2
Información Nutricional: Nutritional facts per 100 g
physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1183
- in kilocalories 278
Fat: 0 g
- saturated fatty acids: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 68 g
- of which sugar: 17 g
Protein : 0 g
Salt: 0,9 g

Vitamins & Minerals per100 g

Thiamin (Vitamin B1): 1,1 mg (100 % NRV*)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 1,3 mg (100 % NRV*)
Vitamin B6: 1,57 mg (112 % NRV*)

NRV - Nutrient Reference Values
Cafeína: 30 mg per 100 g
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

Xenofit Energy Gel - Sabor - Citrus Mix + Extracto de Mate

Lista de ingredientes: Maltodextrin 55%, water, dextrose 10%, fructose 2%, acidity regulator sodium citrates, mate tea extract (with approx. 3% caffeine) 1%, acidifier citric acid, preservative potassium sorbate, natural citrus flavour, antioxidant ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2
Información Nutricional: Nutritional facts per 100 g
physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1181
- in kilocalories 278
Fat: 0 g
- saturated fatty acids: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 68 g
- of which sugar: 12 g
Protein : 0 g
Salt: 0,9 g

Vitamins & Minerals per100 g

Thiamin (Vitamin B1): 1,1 mg (100 % NRV*)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 1,43 mg (102 % NRV*)
Vitamin B6: 1,57 mg (112 % NRV*)

NRV - Nutrient Reference Values
Cafeína: 30 mg per 100 g
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

Xenofit Energy Gel - Sabor - Citrus Mix + Extracto de Mate

Lista de ingredientes: Maltodextrin 55%, water, dextrose 10%, fructose 2%, acidity regulator sodium citrates, mate tea extract (with approx. 3% caffeine) 1%, acidifier citric acid, preservative potassium sorbate, natural citrus flavour, antioxidant ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2
Información Nutricional: Nutritional facts per 100 g
physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1181
- in kilocalories 278
Fat: 0 g
- saturated fatty acids: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 68 g
- of which sugar: 12 g
Protein : 0 g
Salt: 0,9 g

Vitamins & Minerals per100 g

Thiamin (Vitamin B1): 1,1 mg (100 % NRV*)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 1,43 mg (102 % NRV*)
Vitamin B6: 1,57 mg (112 % NRV*)

NRV - Nutrient Reference Values
Cafeína: 30 mg per 100 g
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

Xenofit Energy Gel - Sabor - Citrus Mix + Extracto de Mate

Lista de ingredientes: Maltodextrin 55%, water, dextrose 10%, fructose 2%, acidity regulator sodium citrates, mate tea extract (with approx. 3% caffeine) 1%, acidifier citric acid, preservative potassium sorbate, natural citrus flavour, antioxidant ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2
Información Nutricional: Nutritional facts per 100 g
physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1181
- in kilocalories 278
Fat: 0 g
- saturated fatty acids: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 68 g
- of which sugar: 12 g
Protein : 0 g
Salt: 0,9 g

Vitamins & Minerals per100 g

Thiamin (Vitamin B1): 1,1 mg (100 % NRV*)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 1,43 mg (102 % NRV*)
Vitamin B6: 1,57 mg (112 % NRV*)

NRV - Nutrient Reference Values
Cafeína: 30 mg per 100 g
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

Xenofit Energy Gel - Sabor - Citrus Mix + Extracto de Mate

Lista de ingredientes: Maltodextrin 55%, water, dextrose 10%, fructose 2%, acidity regulator sodium citrates, mate tea extract (with approx. 3% caffeine) 1%, acidifier citric acid, preservative potassium sorbate, natural citrus flavour, antioxidant ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2
Información Nutricional: Nutritional facts per 100 g
physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1181
- in kilocalories 278
Fat: 0 g
- saturated fatty acids: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 68 g
- of which sugar: 12 g
Protein : 0 g
Salt: 0,9 g

Vitamins & Minerals per100 g

Thiamin (Vitamin B1): 1,1 mg (100 % NRV*)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 1,43 mg (102 % NRV*)
Vitamin B6: 1,57 mg (112 % NRV*)

NRV - Nutrient Reference Values
Cafeína: 30 mg per 100 g
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

Xenofit Energy Gel - Sabor - Citrus Mix + Extracto de Mate

Lista de ingredientes: Maltodextrin 55%, water, dextrose 10%, fructose 2%, acidity regulator sodium citrates, mate tea extract (with approx. 3% caffeine) 1%, acidifier citric acid, preservative potassium sorbate, natural citrus flavour, antioxidant ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2
Información Nutricional: Nutritional facts per 100 g
physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1181
- in kilocalories 278
Fat: 0 g
- saturated fatty acids: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 68 g
- of which sugar: 12 g
Protein : 0 g
Salt: 0,9 g

Vitamins & Minerals per100 g

Thiamin (Vitamin B1): 1,1 mg (100 % NRV*)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 1,43 mg (102 % NRV*)
Vitamin B6: 1,57 mg (112 % NRV*)

NRV - Nutrient Reference Values
Cafeína: 30 mg per 100 g
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

GU Energy Gel - Sabor - Mandarina naranja - con cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), citric acid, acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), antioxidants [vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate)], flavor, calcium carbonate, sea salt , flavoring, calcium carbonate, herbs [extract from green tea leaves (contains caffeine), extract of chamomile, ginger extract], thickener (gellan gum, pectin), preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), color (oleoresin capsicum).

Alergens: no

Información Nutricional:
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1306 kJ (312 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 72,0 g 23,0 g
which sugars 19,0 g 6,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 431,0 mg 138,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Fiber 0,0 g 0,0 g
Potassium 109,0 mg 35,0 mg
Caffeine 63,0 mg 20,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Amino Acids (BCAA) n.a. n.a.
L-Leucine 1172,0 mg 375,0 mg
L-Valine 156,0 mg 50,0 mg
L-Isoleucine 47,0 mg 15,0 mg
L-Histidine 125 mg 40 mg
Nutritional Information: Vitamins per 100 g % RDA* (100g) % RDA* (32g)
Vitamin C 125,0 mg 156,0 % 50,0 %
Vitamin E 31,0 mg 258,0 % 83,0 %

* RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance

Cafeína: 20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet)
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

GU Energy Gel - Sabor - Jet Blackberry (grosella negra) - 2x cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), citric acid, acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), antioxidants [vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate)], acids (citric, fumaric acid acid, malic acid), calcium carbonate, sea salt, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), herbs [chamomile, kola nut (caffeine), ginger], thickener (pectin)

Información Nutricional:
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1328 kJ (325 kcal) 425 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 78,0 g 25,0 g
which sugars 16,0 g 5,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 453,0 mg 113,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Fiber 0,0 g 0,0 g
Potassium 109,0 mg 35,0 mg
Caffeine 125,0 mg 40,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Amino Acids (BCAA) n.a. n.a.
L-Leucine 1134,0 mg 363,0 mg
L-Valine 156,0 mg 50,0 mg
L-Isoleucine 41,0 mg 13,0 mg
L-Histidine 119,0 mg 38,0 mg
Nutritional Information: Vitamins per 100 g % RDA* (100g) % RDA* (32g)
Vitamin C 178,0 mg 225,0 % 72,0 %
Vitamin E 59,0 mg 500,0 % 163,0 %

* RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance

GU Energy Gel - Sabor - Chocolate Outrage (chocolate) - con cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, unsweetened chocolate, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), antioxidants (vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate)), flavor, calcium carbonate, herbs [extract from green tea leaves (contains caffeine), extract of chamomile, ginger extract], calcium chloride, acid (citric acid, malic acid), thickener (gellan gum, pectin), preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), sea salt.

Alergens: no

Información Nutricional:
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1328 kJ (425 kcal) 425 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 5,0 g 1,5 g
which saturates 3,0 g 1,0 g
Carbohydrates 69,0 g 22,0 g
which sugars 22,0 g 7,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 391,0 mg 125,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Fiber 0,0 g 0,0 g
Potassium 266,0 mg 85,0 mg
Caffeine 63,0 mg 20,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Amino Acids (BCAA) n.a. n.a.
L-Leucine 991,0 mg 317,0 mg
L-Valine 278,0 mg 89,0 mg
L-Isoleucine 41,0 mg 13,0 mg
L-Histidine 144,0 mg 46,0 mg
Nutritional Information: Vitamins per 100 g % RDA* (100g) % RDA* (32g)
Vitamin C 178,0 mg 225,0 % 72,0 %
Vitamin E 59,0 mg 500,0 % 160,0 %

* RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance

Cafeína: 20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet)
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

GU Energy Gel - Sabor - Tri Berry (Fruto silvestre) - con cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, flavorings, amino acids (leucine, valine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), calcium carbonate, sea salt, green tea extract (caffeine-containing), thickener (gellan gum) , Potassium sorbate), sunflower oil.

Información Nutricional:
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1306 kJ (312 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
- which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 72,0 g 23,0 g
- which sugars 19,0 g 6,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 430,0 mg 138,0 mg
Potassium 94 mg 30 mg
Amino acids 1406 mg 450 mg
Cafeína: 20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet)
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

GU Energy Gel - Sabor - Vanilla Bean - con cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), GU Antioxidant Blend (Natural Vitamin E and C), citric acid, calcium carbonate, flavor, sea salt, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate), fumaric, GU Herbal Blend [chamomile, cola nut (with caffeine), ginger], thickener (pectin)

Alergens: no

Información Nutricional:
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1328 kJ (312 kcal) 425kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 69,0 g 22,0 g
which sugars 15,0 g 5,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 172 mg 55 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Potassium 141,0 mg 45,0 mg
Caffeine 63,0 mg 20,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Amino Acids (BCAA) 1406 mg 450 mg
Nutritional Information: Vitamins per 100 g % NRV* (100g) % NRV* (32g)
Vitamin C 125,0 mg 320,0 % 100,0 %
Vitamin E 31,0 mg 320,0 % 100,0 %

* NRV = Nutrition Reference Value

Cafeína: 20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet)
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

Xenofit Energy Gel - Sabor - Maracuyá + sodio

Lista de ingredientes: Maltodextrin 55%, water, dextrose 10%, fructose 2%, acidifier sodium citrates, mate tea extract (with approx. 3% caffeine) 1%, acidity regulator citric acid, preservative potassium sorbate, flavour (passion fruit/apricot), antioxidant ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2
Información Nutricional: Nutritional facts per 100 g
physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1164
- in kilocalories 274
Fat: 0 g
- saturated fatty acids: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 68 g
- of which sugar: 12 g
Protein : 0 g
Salt: 0,9 g

Vitamins & Minerals per100 g

Thiamin (Vitamin B1): 1,1 mg (100 % NRV*)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 1,43 mg (102 % NRV*)
Vitamin B6: 1,57 mg (112 % NRV*)

NRV - Nutrient Reference Values
Cafeína: 30 mg per 100 g
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

Xenofit Energy Gel - Sabor - Maracuyá + sodio

Lista de ingredientes: Maltodextrin 55%, water, dextrose 10%, fructose 2%, acidifier sodium citrates, mate tea extract (with approx. 3% caffeine) 1%, acidity regulator citric acid, preservative potassium sorbate, flavour (passion fruit/apricot), antioxidant ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2
Información Nutricional: Nutritional facts per 100 g
physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1164
- in kilocalories 274
Fat: 0 g
- saturated fatty acids: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 68 g
- of which sugar: 12 g
Protein : 0 g
Salt: 0,9 g

Vitamins & Minerals per100 g

Thiamin (Vitamin B1): 1,1 mg (100 % NRV*)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 1,43 mg (102 % NRV*)
Vitamin B6: 1,57 mg (112 % NRV*)

NRV - Nutrient Reference Values
Cafeína: 30 mg per 100 g
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

Xenofit Energy Gel - Sabor - Maracuyá + sodio

Lista de ingredientes: Maltodextrin 55%, water, dextrose 10%, fructose 2%, acidifier sodium citrates, mate tea extract (with approx. 3% caffeine) 1%, acidity regulator citric acid, preservative potassium sorbate, flavour (passion fruit/apricot), antioxidant ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2
Información Nutricional: Nutritional facts per 100 g
physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1164
- in kilocalories 274
Fat: 0 g
- saturated fatty acids: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 68 g
- of which sugar: 12 g
Protein : 0 g
Salt: 0,9 g

Vitamins & Minerals per100 g

Thiamin (Vitamin B1): 1,1 mg (100 % NRV*)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 1,43 mg (102 % NRV*)
Vitamin B6: 1,57 mg (112 % NRV*)

NRV - Nutrient Reference Values
Cafeína: 30 mg per 100 g
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

Xenofit Energy Gel - Sabor - Maracuyá + sodio

Lista de ingredientes: Maltodextrin 55%, water, dextrose 10%, fructose 2%, acidifier sodium citrates, mate tea extract (with approx. 3% caffeine) 1%, acidity regulator citric acid, preservative potassium sorbate, flavour (passion fruit/apricot), antioxidant ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2
Información Nutricional: Nutritional facts per 100 g
physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1164
- in kilocalories 274
Fat: 0 g
- saturated fatty acids: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 68 g
- of which sugar: 12 g
Protein : 0 g
Salt: 0,9 g

Vitamins & Minerals per100 g

Thiamin (Vitamin B1): 1,1 mg (100 % NRV*)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 1,43 mg (102 % NRV*)
Vitamin B6: 1,57 mg (112 % NRV*)

NRV - Nutrient Reference Values
Cafeína: 30 mg per 100 g
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

Xenofit Energy Gel - Sabor - Maracuyá + sodio

Lista de ingredientes: Maltodextrin 55%, water, dextrose 10%, fructose 2%, acidifier sodium citrates, mate tea extract (with approx. 3% caffeine) 1%, acidity regulator citric acid, preservative potassium sorbate, flavour (passion fruit/apricot), antioxidant ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2
Información Nutricional: Nutritional facts per 100 g
physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1164
- in kilocalories 274
Fat: 0 g
- saturated fatty acids: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 68 g
- of which sugar: 12 g
Protein : 0 g
Salt: 0,9 g

Vitamins & Minerals per100 g

Thiamin (Vitamin B1): 1,1 mg (100 % NRV*)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 1,43 mg (102 % NRV*)
Vitamin B6: 1,57 mg (112 % NRV*)

NRV - Nutrient Reference Values
Cafeína: 30 mg per 100 g
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

GU Energy Gel - Sabor - Strawberry Banana (Fresa-Banana) - sin cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, flavorings, amino acids (leucine, valine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), calcium carbonate, sea salt, green tea extract, acids (citric acid, apple acid), thickener (gellan gum), preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate) , dye (fruit juice, vegetable juice).

Alergens: no

Información Nutricional:
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1306 kJ (312 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
- which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 69,0 g 22,0 g
- which sugars 19,0 g 6,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 430,0 mg 138,0 mg
Potassium 94 mg 30 mg
Amino acids 1406 mg 450 mg

Dextro Energy Liquid Gel - Sabor - Manzana

Lista de ingredientes:

water, dextrose, invert sugar syrup, acid (citric acid), flavouring, colouring (E 150c).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition table Typical nutritional values per 60 ml
Energy 485 kJ (114 kcal)
Fat 0 g
of which saturates 0 g
Carbohydrate 28,3 g
of which sugars 28,1 g
Protein 0 g
Salt 0,003 g

GU Energy Gel - Sabor - Espresso Love - 2x cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), natural coffee flavor, GU Antioxidant Blend (Natural Vitamin E and C), citric acid, calcium carbonate, sea salt, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate) acid, fumaric acid, malic acid, GU Herbal Blend [chamomile, kola nut (with caffeine), Ginger], thickener (pectin).

Información Nutricional:
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1328 kJ (425 kcal) 425 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 78,0 g 25,0 g
which sugars 15,0 g 5,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 156,0 mg 50,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Fiber 0,0 g 0,0 g
Potassium 141,0 mg 45,0 mg
Caffeine 125,0 mg 40,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Amino Acids (BCAA) 1406,0 mg 450 mg
L-Leucine n.a. n.a.
L-Valine n.a. n.a.
L-Isoleucine n.a. n.a.
L-Histidine n.a. n.a.
Nutritional Information: Vitamins per 100 g % RDA* (100g) % RDA* (32g)
Vitamin C 125,0 mg 320,0 % 100,0 %
Vitamin E 31,0 mg 320,0 % 100,0 %
Calcium n.a. 6,0 % 2,0 %

* RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance

Cafeína: 40 mg per 32 g (1 sachet)
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

GU Energy Gel - Sabor - Lemon Sublime (limón lima) - sin cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acids (leucine, valine, histidine, isoleucine), acidity regulator (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), GU Antioxidant Blend (Natural Vitamin E and C), calcium carbonate, sea salt, malic acid, natural lemon flavor, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate) , citric acid, fumaric acid, GU Herbal Blend (chamomile, ginger), thickener (pectin).

Alergens: no

Información Nutricional:
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1306 kJ (312 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 69,0 g 22,0 g
which sugars 19,0 g 6,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 431,0 mg 138,0 mg
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Fiber 0,0 g 0,0 g
Potassium 94,0 mg 30,0 mg
Caffeine 0,0 g 0,0 g
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Amino Acids (BCAA) n.a. n.a.
L-Leucine 1172,0 mg 375,0 mg
L-Valine 156,0 mg 50,0 mg
L-Isoleucine 47,0 mg 15,0 mg
L-Histidine 125 mg 40 mg
Nutritional Information: Vitamins per 100 g % RDA* (100g) % RDA* (32g)
Vitamin C 125,0 mg 156,0 % 50,0 %
Vitamin E 31,0 mg 258,0 % 83,0 %

* RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance

Dextro Energy Liquid Gel - Sabor - naranja

Lista de ingredientes:

water, invert-sugar syrup, fructose syrup, maltodextrin, dextrose, acid (citric acid), flavouring, stabiliser (pectin), antioxidant (ascorbic acid), thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6 ,niacin, pantothenic acid.

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition table Typical nutritional values per 60 ml
Energy 482 kJ (113 kcal)
Fat 0,1 g
of which saturates 0,1 g
Carbohydrate 28,1 g
of which sugars 23,5 g
Protein 0 g
Salt 0,005 g
Nutrition table Typical nutritional values per 60 ml
Vitamin B1 0,2 mg (18 %)*
Vitamin B2 0,3 mg (21 %)*
Vitamin B6 0,4 mg (29 %)*
Niacin 3,7 mg (23 %)*
Pantothenic acid 1 mg (17 %)*

*nutrient reference values

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Limón

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin (Cluster Dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Limón

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin (Cluster Dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Limón

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin (Cluster Dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g

Dextro Energy Liquid Gel - Sabor - limón + cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

water, fructose syrup, maltodextrin, dextrose, acid (citric acid), flavouring, caffeine.

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition table Typical nutritional values per 60 ml
Energy 482 kJ (113 kcal)
Fat 0 g
of which saturates 0 g
Carbohydrate 28,1 g
of which sugars 14,3 g
Protein 0 g
Salt 0,008 g
Cafeína: 50 mg caffeine per 60 ml
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

Powerbar PowerGel Hydro - Sabor - Orange

Lista de ingredientes: Water, maltodextrin, fruit juice concentrates (13%) (apple, orange), fructose, sodium chloride, acidifier (citric acid), sodium citrate, preservatives (potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate), stabiliser (xanthan gum), natural orange flavor with other natural flavors.
Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 ml per 67 ml sachet
Energy kJ (kcal) 651 (153) 436 (102)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrate 37 g 25 g
- of which sugars 19 g 13 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0,8 g 0,53 g
Sodium 304 mg 204 mg

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Plátano

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin (Cluster Dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Plátano

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin (Cluster Dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Plátano

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin (Cluster Dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g

Powerbar PowerGel Hydro - Sabor - Black Cherry - with caffeine

Lista de ingredientes: Water, maltodextrin, fruit juice concentrates (12%) (apple, sour cherry), fructose, sodium chloride, sodium citrate, acidifier (citric acid), natural cherry flavor with other natural flavors, preservatives (potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate), stabiliser (xanthan gum), caffeine (0.07%).
Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 ml per 67 ml sachet
Energy kJ (kcal) 654 (154) 438 (103)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrate 37 g 25 g
- of which sugars 19 g 13 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0,76 g 0,51 g
Sodium 304 mg 204 mg
Cafeína: 76 mg per 100 ml / 51 mg per 67 ml
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Neutro

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin, highly branched cyclic dextrin* (Cluster dextrin®), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, sea salt, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.84 g 0.64 g

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Neutro

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin, highly branched cyclic dextrin* (Cluster dextrin®), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, sea salt, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.84 g 0.64 g

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Neutro

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin, highly branched cyclic dextrin* (Cluster dextrin®), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, sea salt, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.84 g 0.64 g

Powerbar PowerGel Hydro - Sabor - Mojito (Lime-Mint) - with caffeine

Lista de ingredientes: Water, maltodextrin, fructose, fruit juice concentrates (7%) (apple, lime), sodium chloride, sodium citrates, natural flavors, caffeine (0.07%), preservatives (potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate), stabilizer (xanthan gum), acidifier (citric acid).
Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 ml per 67 ml sachet
Energy kJ (kcal) 686 (162) 460 (109)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrate 39 g 26 g
- of which sugars 19 g 12 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0,77 g 0,51 g
Sodium 307 mg 205 mg
Cafeína: 76 mg per 100 ml / 51 mg per 67 ml
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

GU Energy Gel - Sabor - Cola Me Happy - con cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, amino acid (L-leucine), flavourings, citric acid, acidity regulators (potassium citrate, sodium citrate), herbs [extract from green tea leaves (contains caffeine), Colouring agent (fruit and vegetable juice), calcium carbonate, amino acid (L-valine), sea salt, thickener (gellan gum), amino acid (L-isoleucine), medium-chain triglycerides, preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate). 

Información Nutricional:
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1306 kJ (325 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
- which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 69,0 g 22,0 g
- which sugars 22,0 g 7,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 469 mg 150 mg
Minerals per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Potassium 125,0 mg 40,0 mg
Amino acids (BCAA) per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
L-Leucine 1203 mg 385 mg
L-Valine 156 mg 50 mg
L-Isoleucine 47 mg 15 mg


Cafeína: 40 mg / 32 g (1 sachet) | 125 mg / 100 g
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Fresa salada

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin, highly branched cyclic dextrin* (Cluster dextrin®), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, sea salt, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.84 g 0.64 g
Sodium 329 mg 250 mg

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Fresa salada

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin, highly branched cyclic dextrin* (Cluster dextrin®), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, sea salt, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.84 g 0.64 g
Sodium 329 mg 250 mg

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Fresa salada

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin, highly branched cyclic dextrin* (Cluster dextrin®), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, sea salt, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.84 g 0.64 g
Sodium 329 mg 250 mg

Powerbar PowerGel Hydro - Sabor - Cola - with caffeine

Lista de ingredientes: Water, maltodextrin, fructose, sodium chloride, natural flavors, acidifiers (citric acid), sodium citrates, caffeine (0.1%), preservatives (potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate), stabilizer (xanthan gum).
Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 ml per 67 ml sachet
Energy kJ (kcal) 649 (153) 435 (102)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrate 38 g 25 g
- of which sugars 16 g 11 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0,76 g 0,51 g
Sodium 304 mg 203 mg
Cafeína: 150 mg per 100 ml / 100 mg per 67 ml
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Cacahuete salado y Miel

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin, highly branched cyclic dextrin* (Cluster dextrin®), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, sea salt, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.84 g 0.64 g
Sodium 329 mg 250 mg

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Cacahuete salado y Miel

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin, highly branched cyclic dextrin* (Cluster dextrin®), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, sea salt, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.84 g 0.64 g
Sodium 329 mg 250 mg

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Cacahuete salado y Miel

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin, highly branched cyclic dextrin* (Cluster dextrin®), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, sea salt, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.84 g 0.64 g
Sodium 329 mg 250 mg

Dextro Energy Liquid Gel - Sabor - cereza + cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

water, dextrose, invert-sugar-syrup, acid (citric acid), caffeine, flavouring

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition table Typical nutritional values per 60 ml
Energy 482 kJ (113 kcal)
Fat 0 g
of which saturates 0 g
Carbohydrate 28 g
of which sugars 28 g
Protein 0 g
Salt 0 g
Cafeína: 50 mg caffeine per 60 ml
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Naranja con BCAA

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin (Cluster Dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, BCAA [L-leucine, isoleucine, L-valine, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid) , sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate), emulsifier (sunflower lecithin).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 64 g 49 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 1,3 g 1 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g
L-Leucine 1052 mg 800 mg
Isoleucine 132 mg 100 mg
L-Valine 132 mg 100 mg

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Naranja con BCAA

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin (Cluster Dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, BCAA [L-leucine, isoleucine, L-valine, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid) , sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate), emulsifier (sunflower lecithin).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 64 g 49 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 1,3 g 1 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g
L-Leucine 1052 mg 800 mg
Isoleucine 132 mg 100 mg
L-Valine 132 mg 100 mg

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Naranja con BCAA

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin (Cluster Dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, BCAA [L-leucine, isoleucine, L-valine, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid) , sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate), emulsifier (sunflower lecithin).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 64 g 49 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 1,3 g 1 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g
L-Leucine 1052 mg 800 mg
Isoleucine 132 mg 100 mg
L-Valine 132 mg 100 mg

Dextro Energy Liquid Gel - Sabor - Pomelo + Sodio

Lista de ingredientes:

water, dextrose, invert-sugar-syrup, acid (citric acid), sodium citrate, natural flavoring, preservative (potassium sorbate)

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition table Typical nutritional values per 60 ml
Energy 499 kJ (118 kcal)
Fat 0 g
of which saturates 0 g
Carbohydrate 28 g
of which sugars 28 g
Protein 0 g
Salt 0,6 g

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Grosella negra con BCAA

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin (Cluster Dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, BCAA [L-leucine, isoleucine, L-valine, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid) , sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate), emulsifier (sunflower lecithin).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 64 g 49 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 1,3 g 1 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g
L-Leucine 1052 mg 800 mg
Isoleucine 132 mg 100 mg
L-Valine 132 mg 100 mg

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Grosella negra con BCAA

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin (Cluster Dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, BCAA [L-leucine, isoleucine, L-valine, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid) , sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate), emulsifier (sunflower lecithin).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 64 g 49 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 1,3 g 1 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g
L-Leucine 1052 mg 800 mg
Isoleucine 132 mg 100 mg
L-Valine 132 mg 100 mg

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Grosella negra con BCAA

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin (Cluster Dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn glucose syrup, sucrose, BCAA [L-leucine, isoleucine, L-valine, natural flavor, acidity regulators (citric acid) , sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum), preservative (potassium sorbate), emulsifier (sunflower lecithin).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 64 g 49 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 1,3 g 1 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g
L-Leucine 1052 mg 800 mg
Isoleucine 132 mg 100 mg
L-Valine 132 mg 100 mg

Dextro Energy Liquid Gel - Sabor - Grosella + Sodio

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, dextrose, invert-sugar syrup, acid (citric acid), coloring concentrate from carrot, natural flavouring

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition table Typical nutritional values per 60 ml
Energy 499 kJ (118 kcal)
Fat 0 g
of which saturates 0 g
Carbohydrate 28 g
of which sugars 28 g
Protein 0 g
Salt 0,6 g

240 mg

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Cereza con cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin* (Cluster dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn syrup, sucrose, natural flavor, caffeine, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum ), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g
Cafeína: 160 mg per serving (76 g)
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Cereza con cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin* (Cluster dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn syrup, sucrose, natural flavor, caffeine, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum ), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g
Cafeína: 160 mg per serving (76 g)
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Cereza con cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin* (Cluster dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn syrup, sucrose, natural flavor, caffeine, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum ), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g
Cafeína: 160 mg per serving (76 g)
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Café Expreso con cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin* (Cluster dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn syrup, sucrose, natural flavor, caffeine, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum ), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g
Cafeína: 80 mg per serving (76 g)
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Café Expreso con cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin* (Cluster dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn syrup, sucrose, natural flavor, caffeine, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum ), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g
Cafeína: 80 mg per serving (76 g)
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

226ERS High Energy Gel - Sabor - Café Expreso con cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Water, maltodextrin (maltodextrin DE15, highly branched cyclic dextrin* (Cluster dextrin®), maltodextrin DE6), corn syrup, sucrose, natural flavor, caffeine, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), sodium chloride, gelling agent (gellan gum ), preservative (potassium sorbate).

Información Nutricional:
Nutrition Information per 100 g
per serving (76 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1118 (263) 850 (200)
Fat 0 g 0 g
- of which saturates 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 66 g 50 g
- of which sugars 30 g 23 g
Dietary fibre 0 g 0 g
Protein 0 g 0 g
Salt 0.13 g 0.1 g
Cafeína: 80 mg per serving (76 g)
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..

GU Energy Gel - Sabor - Raspberry Lemonade (Limonada de Frambuesa) - sin cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, L-leucine, natural flavors, citric acid, sodium citrate, potassium citrate, calcium carbonate, L-valine, sea salt, thickener (gellan gum), L-isoleucine, medium-chain triglycerides, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, fruit and vegetable juice (as colorant).

Información Nutricional:
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1,306 kJ (325 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0.0 g 0.0 g
- which saturates 0.0 g 0.0 g
Carbohydrates 72.0 g 23.0 g
- which sugars 22.0 g 7.0 g
Protein 0.0 g 0.0 g
Salt 172 mg 55 mg
Minerals & Vitamins per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calcium 62.5 mg 20.0 mg
Potassium 125.0 mg 40.0 mg
Vitamin C 125.0 mg 40.0 mg
Vitamin E 31.0 mg 10.0 mg
Amino acids (BCAA) per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
L-Leucine 1,172.0 mg 375.0 mg
L-Valine 156.0 mg 50.0 mg
L-Isoleucine 47.0 mg 15.0 mg


GU Energy Gel - Sabor - Santiguoed Watermelon (sandía - Salzig) - con cafeína

Lista de ingredientes:

Maltodextrin, water, fructose, leucine, sea salt, citric acid, natural flavor, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, calcium carbonate, valine, green tea extract (leaf) (contains caffeine), gellan gum, isoleucine, sunflower oil, sodium benzoate (preservative), potassium sorbate (preservative).

Información Nutricional:
Nutritional Information per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
Calorific value 1306 kJ (312 kcal) 418 kJ (100 kcal)
Fat 0,0 g 0,0 g
which saturates 0,0 g 0,0 g
Carbohydrates 72,0 g 23,0 g
which sugars 19,0 g 6,0 g
Protein 0,0 g 0,0 g
Salt 977,0 mg 313,0 mg
Amino acids per 100 g per 32 g (1 sachet)
L-Leucine 1203 mg 385 mg
L-Valine 156 mg 50 mg
L-Isoleucine 47 mg 15 mg
Cafeína: 20 mg per 32 g (1 sachet)
Alto contenido de cafeína. No se recomienda para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia..